You are Not Alone- 3 Reasons Why Al Anon May be Good for You

You are Not Alone- 3 Reasons Why Al Anon May be Good for You

Addiction can be devastating, not only for the addict but also for those who care for someone who is struggling. In fact, there are many situations where the caregivers or loved ones suffer as much or more than the person who has the addiction. Many people feel hopeless when confronted with a loved one’s addiction, and are frustrated that their intentions and actions seem to have little effect. It is important for friends and family to know that there are resources available to assist them through this difficult experience. One of the most powerful resources is Al-Anon. The team at would like to highlight the benefits of this organization, in the hopes of helping families to move through this period of their lives more easily.

What is Al-Anon?

Al-Anon is a support program for people whose lives have been indirectly affected by alcoholism.  Members attend meetings, where they can share their stories, talk about their plans and learn about resources that they can use to improve their own health and wellness.

Overcoming Reluctance to Attend Al-Anon Meetings

Many people resist becoming a member of Al-Anon for a significant period before they finally attend their first meeting. Some are so wrapped up in caring for their loved one and dealing with his or her addiction that they have no time or energy left to look after their own needs. Others have simply lost hope in improving the quality of their own lives, and have come to accept that the struggles facing those they have relationships with will always color their own experience in the world. It is important to know that Al-Anon has helped thousands of people find peace during tumultuous times.

The Benefit of Shared Experience

One of the most powerful things that come from attending Al-Anon meetings is the relief that accompanies time spent with people who share your experiences. Far too often, people who are trying to help an addict get to feeling utterly isolated. They may also feel ashamed of the lives that their loved ones are living, and may not want to talk about their struggles at work or in social settings. Al-Anon offers a place where people can feel safe and supported no matter what they choose to share. That alone is a benefit that makes Al-Anon worthwhile to consider.

At, we offer several books and other products that can help friends and family members better understand the ins and outs of addiction and recovery, as well as sober living.

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