12-Step Recovery Saves Lives: Warning Signs of Meth Addiction

Addiction recovery is never easy. When you’re in recovery, it can feel like you have to deal with the same junk over and over again. In Greek mythology, Sisyphus had to roll a boulder up a hill and watch it roll down again, continuing this action indefinitely. Sometimes it feels like immense pressures are placed upon a person to take up harmful habits, but the pressure of addiction recovery is so much more. The best thing to do is to avoid that path to begin with. Meth has effects on the brain and the body. Know the signs of meth addiction and save yourself or a friend the pain of addiction.

The Body on Meth

There is no free deal here. The high users feel is accompanied by profound consequences on the body. Use of methamphetamine interferes with the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Tissues and blood vessels are destroyed. Wounds take longer to heal. Skin appears decades older and acne emerges. Many users have scabs from skin picking arising from formication. Weight loss may seem like a benefit, but meth users end up looking gaunt, not sexy. Their oral hygiene deteriorates, resulting in stained and rotting teeth. “Meth mouth” refers to the condition where a meth addict’s teeth are blackened, rotting and falling out.

The Effects of Meth on the Brain

The drug results in the brain releasing excessive amounts of dopamine. This neurotransmitter controls feelings of pleasure. Meth produces the “mother of all dopamine releases.” Prolonged use alters the user’s ability to experience pleasure by destroying dopamine receptors. Damage to cognitive abilities may be permanent in areas such as memory, judgment, and motor coordination. Adrenaline is also released during use. This results in “tweaking.” During this time, users show hyperactive and obsessive behavior. Heavy chronic users can show psychotic behavior. They may exhibit paranoia, hallucinations, aggression, and delusions. Use increases sex drive, and people on meth demonstrate high-risk sexual behavior patterns. Chronic use destroys good looks and the ability to perform. “Crystal dick” is a term used to describe the impotence resulting from meth use. Others feel aroused for long period of time without the ability to climax.

There is hope for meth addicts. There are 12-Step recovery programs is available to provide support, education, and inspiration to go another day without using. Addiction isn’t something to mess around with. It’s a serious disease that can destroy a life. Russell Brand said, “Addiction is a serious disease; it will end with jail, mental institutions, or death.” Supporting each other through the recovery process is essential to staying sane, safe, productive, and ALIVE. One day at a time, one story at a time, we are ALWAYS there for each other in addiction recovery.

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