Celebrating Mother’s Day While in Recovery

Being a sober mom in recovery is a celebratory event in itself. With so much pressure on moms to succumb to “mommy wine culture,” recovery can be a challenge. To celebrate Mother’s Day this year, it’s important to take a look at the things that matter most to you. You can celebrate any holiday without wine, alcohol, or drugs; you just may need to do some planning if you are new in your recovery. 

A Sober Mom’s Guide to Recovery

Taking Care of Yourself to Take Care of Your Kids 5 3/8 x 8 3/8, Tradepaper 200 pp. Author: Rosemary O’Connor $ 15.95 in stock New


Keep Your Motivation in Mind

If your children are your motivation to stay sober, remember this on Mother‘s Day and beyond. Discover new ways to celebrate this special day. Pay attention to what triggers you and avoid situations that might lead you to want a drink. Children are a strong motivator to maintain your recovery. It is easy to forget why you are sober when you lose your focus.

A Woman’s Way Through The Twelve Steps | My 12 Step Store

Recovery is not a man’s world, and yet to a woman it can sometimes seem that way. Geared specifically to that woman, A Woman’s Way Through The Twelve Steps brings a feminine perspective to the Twelve Step program, searching out the healing messages beneath the male-oriented words.


Plan an Activity With Family

You can plan to go out to dinner with family or a simple walk to the park. If you are concerned about going somewhere because of temptation, plan something else. If necessary, let your family know that you are committed to your recovery and don’t want to be tempted. If you are newly sober it can be difficult for friends and family to understand what you are going through.

Woman Words Journal

You’ll appreciate this non-threatening approach to journaling as a beneficial part of the recovery process. This women’s journal includes popular quotes as well as ample blank pages for your journal entries.




A Biography of Mrs. Marty Mann: The First Lady of AA

The little-known life of Marty Mann rivals a Masterpiece Theatre drama. She was born into a life of wealth and privilege, sank to the lowest depths of poverty and despair, then rose to inspire thousands of others, especially women, to help themselves.


Take a Day for Yourself

If being around other people is too much for you this Mother’s Day, plan a day for yourself instead. You could go for a massage, head to the movies, or spend time getting a facial. Anything that makes you happy should be considered when it is Mother’s Day, and you are working on staying sober. Recovery is something to celebrate, and you should not have to feel stressed about your sobriety during a celebration for you.

Each Day a New Beginning Daily Meditations for Women

This book, Each Day a New Beginning, will help you find guidance and inspiration for dealing with the challenges and new experiences of recovery. Order now!






The Recovering Heart: Emotional Sobriety for Women

Beverly Conyers uses personal stories and informed insight to guide you in achieving emotional sobriety. Order her inspirational book from My 12 Step Store.


Being sober will often mean explaining to those around you about the changes you have made in your life. Not everyone will understand why you are sober, but this is a journey you are taking for yourself. Pay attention to those that support you and get support from members of the community through meetings as needed. You can heal your life and stay sober this Mother’s Day, but it is easier if you plan for the day and avoid triggers

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