High On Life From Sober Conferences – The Day After

High On Life From Sober Conferences – The Day After

Sober conferences can be a lot of fun, but overwhelming. You spend days meeting new people and attending an array of events – often that go into the wee hours of the night. There are some various ways for you to wind down and practice sober living so you can overcome the various obstacles and return to your normal activities with plenty of energy.

1. Eat Healthy Food

Try to get back into your routine with better eating. You likely ate whatever food was at the conference, so put the focus back into your health.

2. Journal

Journal about your experiences, including 12-step recovery ideas that you were given and people that you met along the way that could potentially help with addiction recovery. Record how grateful you are for the opportunity to attend the sober conference and all that you want to remember from what you experienced while there.

3. Meditate

Spend some time meditating over what you learned about sober living.

4. Drink Tea

Drink some tea with chamomile or lavender to help you settle down and wind down.

5. Read a Good Book

Sit down and read a book, such as a 12-step recovery book like the Big Book that can help you to figure out what your next move is going to be.

6. Get Moving

Attend a yoga class or go to the gym. Sometimes focusing on your own well-being can be very important. You may want to start to become healthier. Plus, the yoga or gym can be a continuous outlet to help get rid of stress so that it doesn’t continue to creep up on you to the point that you feel that you are at a breaking point.

7. Practice Letting Go

Make a list or create mental notes of what you can and cannot control. It’s important that you identify these because it can be a source of stress otherwise. A higher power has given us the ability to do many things, though some are still out of our reach now. If something cannot be controlled by you, there is no need to fret about it. Let go, and let God!

8. Connect with Others

Be supportive to others. You met a lot of great people throughout the conference. Make a list of the people you want to be able to meet up with or talk on the phone. Send a text or email to them to let them know that you are there to support them. They will likely return the favor.

You can do so much to relax and plan for the future, so take the time to think about what works best for you.

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