How to Find the Right Therapist

Psychological counsel

Finding the right therapist can seem overwhelming but having a great therapist can really make a difference, especially when you are in recovery. A great therapist gives you a place to vent and talk comfortably, while also exploring possible reasons why you may have turned to drugs or alcohol to cope with life. Here are a few tips that can help you find the right therapist for you.

Ask Someone You Know and Trust for a Recommendation

One of the top ways and most recommended to find the right therapist for you is to ask someone you know, trust and who has been supportive of your recovery. Perhaps you can ask your sponsor, a doctor helping you through recovery or a trusted family member. Ask if they have been to therapy and/or if they can recommend a therapist to you. Those you trust usually won’t steer you wrong, so they are a great place to start.

Read Online Reviews

Another tip for finding the right therapist for you when you are living a sober life is to read online reviews. These days, when you are looking for any type of professional, doing an internet search can yield a ton of information. You can read about therapists, find out what they specialize in, learn what their background is including type of therapist, accreditations, and discover what their current and past clients think of them.

Have a Consultation

Lastly, before you decide which therapist to work with, have a consultation with the therapists you are considering. This allows you to get a feel for who they are in person and how well their communication style and their communication style mesh. You want to feel comfortable and at ease with the therapist, so meeting them allows you to get a gut feeling as to whether you like them, trust them and feel you can have a productive therapy relationship with them. This sometimes may require having a few sessions before you can know if this is the right therapist for you.

It is highly recommended that anyone who is in recovery and/or looking to get sober attend therapy. These tips will help you find a great therapist. In addition to this, My 12 Step Store can also help. We sell many products that can help you with your sobriety, including books and journals. Visit our web store today to take a look at our products.

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