A lot of people are wondering whether vaping is the new smoking. An addiction to smoking can be gradually weakened with a transition to vaporizers yet there is no guarantee that the smoker won’t merely replace one vice with another. E-cigarettes and vaporizers really are a double sided coin. On one side is their potential to wean smokers off of real cigarettes. Yet these nifty little vaporizers might also be addictive in their own right.
Are Vaporizers the New Nicotine Fix?
E-cigarettes are generally thought of as a comparatively safer means of nicotine delivery than traditional cigarettes. Yet they still send nicotine to the lungs (without combustion), creating the very real potential for users to become hooked just like they were with real cigarettes. Anyone who is considering making the switch should be aware that there is still an element of risk with e-cigarettes and other vaporizers. In some cases e-cigarettes have become easier to get your nicotine fix on with because smokers are vaping in public indoor areas and restrooms where it is illegal to smoke traditional cigarettes. While smokers may not smell the e-cigarettes odor themselves, it does produce a visible, detectable and sometimes scented smoke.
Other Vaporizer Safety Issues to Consider
Another important consideration is the heavy metal exposure claims made by researchers at the University of California at Riverside. They found that some vaporizers exposed users to potentially harmful heavy metals. It is also interesting to note that a separate study shows that vaporizing liquids can cause users to come into contact with potentially dangerous levels of formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is known to cause cancer.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University studied the impact of e-cigarette vapor on mice. Mice exposed to such vapors suffered a weakened immune system. The study also showed that those dangerous free radicals typically found in tobacco smoke are also present in e-cigarette vapors. The number of free radicals was actually significantly higher in e-cigarettes.
Are We the Human Guinea Pigs for Vaporizers?
Nobody knows the long-term effects of e-cigarettes because they have not been around for very long. Though they seem to be healthier than traditional cigarettes, no one knows for sure whether they are merely another unhealthy substitute for addictive cigarettes. Those who rely on e-cigarettes as a means of weaning off of cigarettes should not be alarmed by this article. There are plenty of proven benefits to making the switch to e-cigarettes and other vaporizing devices. However, in the long run, the goal should be a complete cessation of nicotine products and a life that is free from all addictions.