Many people enjoy giving back to their communities around the holiday season, helping those who are less fortunate. At a time of year when temperatures drop, the homeless can be especially at risk. When you are in recovery, volunteering in your community can give your life new purpose, making it easier for you to stay sober. Sometimes when you’re asked by homeless for spare change or money for food, you want to give them money but not sure if they will use it for food. Read on for five ways you can help the homeless in your area.
1. Donate Blankets and Warm Clothing
Now is the perfect time of year to go through your closets and clear out any clothing you no longer want or need. It is likely that many of the items you choose to get rid of are still in decent condition, and homeless people can definitely make use of them. Seek out charitable organizations in your area that accept donations and bring them everything you can spare.
2. Stop for a Chat
Living on the streets can get incredibly lonely, and many homeless people could use someone to talk to. Take the time to show them you care by listening to their stories. You’d be amazed how this simple act can really brighten someone’s day. Of course you want to do this in a safe manor and not put your safety at risk.
3. Pass Out Fliers for Local Shelters
Homeless people often lack the resources or abilities to find out where they can stay in local shelters. You can help by providing them with this information. For those who are unwell, you can even help them make their way to the shelter, so they have a warm place to spend the night. You can also buy sandwiches and hand them out to homeless in your area.
4. Volunteer at Shelters and Soup Kitchens
Many people volunteer on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but shelters and soup kitchens often have difficulty finding volunteers on the days after these holidays. Break free from common traditions and give your time on these underserved days to make an even bigger impact.
5. Share Your Sobriety Story
Alcoholism and drug abuse are common among the homeless, and you are in a unique position to help in this area. By sharing your story of recovery, you may be able to help a homeless person work towards sobriety themselves. Try introducing them to the AA Big Book or other 12-step resources to help guide their journey. They may not even be aware that these resources exist to help.
You can get everything you need here at My 12 Step Store, so stock up to share the wonders of sobriety with homeless people in need of this important message.