Tips to Avoid Holiday Seasonal Sadness and Depression

The holidays can be a difficult time for everyone, but especially those who are still in recovery. Don’t let seasonal sadness set you back. Here are some important tips to avoid holiday depression. Continue reading

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The Best 10 Cyber Monday Deals at My 12 Step Store

It’s time to look for some great gifts for the person in recovery in your life. It’s the time of year to validate the people that you love, and there are a ton of deals and items on sale at My 12 Step Store. Continue reading

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Family, Friends and Food for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time for celebration and thinking about all the things we are grateful for, but it can also be a challenging time for those in recovery. When you are working hard to stay sober, it can be difficult to be around others who enjoy the plentiful alcohol spirits freely. Fortunately, you can still enjoy the holiday without derailing your sobriety. Along with your newly learned recovery tools and working with your sponsor, try these helpful tips to help you stay the course.  Continue reading

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5 Ways to Help the Homeless in Your Community

Many people enjoy giving back to their communities around the holiday season, helping those who are less fortunate. At a time of year when temperatures drop, the homeless can be especially at risk. When you are in recovery, volunteering in your community can give your life new purpose, making it easier for you to stay sober. Sometimes when you’re asked by homeless for spare change or money for food, you want to give them money but not sure if they will use it for food. Read on for five ways you can help the homeless in your area.  Continue reading

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How to Celebrate Gratitude Month

What is gratitude month, National Gratitude Month is an annual designation observed in November. Gratitude is more than simply saying “thank you.” Gratitude’s amazing powers have the ability to shift us from focusing on the negative to appreciating what is positive in our lives Continue reading

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Attitude of Gratitude with The Share: by Paulo Murillo


“Gratitude changes the way I feel, the way I think. It acknowledges my Higher Power. When my mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2012, I had very little gratitude. I suffered from soul sickness. When I had ten days of sobriety, my sponsor told me to go to meetings for 90 days and check in with him every day, and when I woke up, I was to thank my Higher Power for my sobriety. I was to sit and meditate and reflect on gratitude. My mom was in hospice and I got to be next to her on her death bed. I was able to connect with my creator. I felt power in the room and it’s the same power that I feel today that keeps me sober. If I didn’t have gratitude, I would not have been able to access that power. I’m very grateful for that.

—Savun Sean, sober since December 18, 2018.


“Addiction is a disease of forgetfulness. If I forget that I had nothing and I was living on the street, then I forget to be grateful for having a home and a bed to sleep in. I try to remain grateful. For example, I applied for a job that I didn’t get, they hired someone else and I felt funky for weeks. Then I got grateful I have a job. For the most part, I enjoy my job. Gratitude is important because it brings me back to a centered place. In recovery we strive to be happy joyous and free. When I’m constricted by my anger, my resentment and self-loathing, there’s a cure for that. The cure is to be grateful.”

—Robby Mason, sober since August 9, 1999.



“The Van Ness House was like a roller coaster ride. I got the opportunity to learn things about myself and things that I needed to change about me, and I also learned new ways of living. It was not what I expected. I still wanted to control what was going to happen and they asked me to do things I swore I would never do in my life. It was a challenging thing for me to look at my behavior. I had to be responsible and accountable for my own actions, but it was very rewarding watching myself change, and the way I view life and growing into the woman I am now. The old ways and how I used to do things, died away. The way I respond to things, everything changed. Everyday wasn’t a good day there, I must tell you, but I was open to whatever. I would recommend the House to anyone struggling with addiction.”

—Chantay Mackey, sober June 18, 2017.



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Gift Guide for That Sober Someone

What are some excellent gifts for someone who is prioritizing their sobriety? Recovery gifts don’t need to be about recovery, but a gift that honors their recovery can be special. Here are some gifts that someone in recovery will often enjoy. Continue reading

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My 12 Step Store partners with West Hollywood Community Group Giving Away Opioid Overdose Prevention Halloween Treat Bags

On October 31, 2019 at the West Hollywood annual Halloween carnival the SWHCC, a branch of the West Hollywood Project will giveaway harm reduction treat bags. The community coalition launched earlier this year to advocate for policies and resources geared toward reducing drug and alcohol problems in West Hollywood. One of the group’s main focuses is methamphetamines (meth). Continue reading

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Celebrating Halloween Without the Boos

It’s about to be Halloween again! Halloween has become a popular drinking occasion, but it doesn’t have to be one. If you’re one of those people who just loves the Halloween season, there’s a lot you can to do celebrate it without the “boos.” Continue reading

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When Does Gambling Become an Addiction?

Gambling. Nearly everyone does it at some point. Whether it’s playing card games, horses the lottery or the slots, there’s something appealing and fun about gambling. But since everyone does it from time-to-time, when does gambling become an addiction? The explanation that seems most acceptable to Gamblers Anonymous members is that compulsive gambling is an illness, progressive in its nature, which can never be cured, but can be arrested. Before coming to Gamblers Anonymous, many compulsive gamblers thought of themselves as morally weak, or at times just plain ‘no good’. The Gamblers Anonymous concept is that compulsive gamblers are really very sick people who can recover if they will follow to the best of their ability a simple program that has proved successful for thousands of other men and women with a gambling or compulsive gambling problem. Continue reading

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