Tag Archives: Alcohol abuse

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: What Are the Differences?

Alcoholism and alcohol abuse both refer to problems with alcohol consumption, but they’re not the same. What is the difference between these, and how do you know which one you’re dealing with? Find out more about these different types of … Continue reading

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What Is Secondhand Drinking and How to Prevent It

You’ve undoubtedly heard about second hand smoking, but what about second hand drinking? Second hand drinking is a rather advanced concept, but when understood, it makes absolute sense. 

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Emotional Drinking vs. Alcoholism

Is there a difference between an emotional drinker and an alcoholic? Both are very similar, but one tends to lead into the other. Here’s what you need to know.

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Summertime Spike in Teen Alcohol Abuse

It’s the summer months, and the teens are out of school. But what are they doing? Studies have shown that the summer months can lead to a substantial spike in teen drinking, for a variety of reasons. Here’s what you … Continue reading

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April Is National Alcohol Awareness Month

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and this year’s theme, Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow, is a national effort to draw attention to the many opportunities people, families, and communities have and can use to educate young people on the … Continue reading

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Are Wealthy Professionals Most Likely to Drink?

There is no “one type” of alcoholic. In fact, the stereotype of an alcoholic is very unlikely to be true. Studies have shown that wealthy and successful professionals may be the most likely to drink. Addiction can run in very … Continue reading

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Do You Have to Have an Alcoholics Anonymous Sponsor?

If you are looking to lead a sober life, you may have read the Alcoholics Anonymous book and may be looking to follow everything in the book. One of the questions that frequently comes up is whether you must have … Continue reading

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Drinking Too Much…How Much Is Too Much?

There is a fine line between drinking while having a good time and drinking to the point of excess. When you reach the point of excess, you lose control over your drinking, allowing the alcohol to control you. So how … Continue reading

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A SLIP or NOT: Is it OK to drink non-alcoholic beer in recovery?

Many alcoholics or alcohol abusers wonder if it is okay for them to drink non-alcoholic beverages. After all, the alcohol component of these drinks isn’t present. Can it be okay to indulge in it once in a while during 12 step … Continue reading

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