3 Ways to Train Your Brain to Be More Positive

It may seem like some people are just born positive as they always have a ready smile and a kind word to share. You might be surprised to learn that positive people stay positive by training themselves to be that way. You can too. Have heard of living in the half full part of the glass. Follow these tips for training your mind to stay on the positive and let the negative go. 

Twenty Four Hours a Day Daily Meditations | My 12 Step Store

Since 1954, Twenty-Four Hours a Day has become a stable force in the recovery of many alcoholics throughout the world. With over nine million copies in print (the original text has been revised), this “little black book” offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life.


Express Gratitude

Did you ever notice that the happiest and most positive people you know tend to express their gratitude frequently? You may think they express gratitude because they are happy or because everything goes smoothly for them. It might surprise you to know that many professionals claim the expression of gratitude is often the cause of their happiness and positive attitude. You can learn to harness this important skill to increase your happiness and positivity, too.  Gratitude is an action, so you must take action. Be grateful for what you do have, do things that express gratitude and you will have gratitude in your life.

Start with a gratitude journal and write down three positive things that happened to you each day. make a gratitude list with as many things your grateful for and share it with someone you trust and respect. Learning to express your gratitude on paper will make it easier for you to begin expressing gratitude throughout the day when good things come your way. Don’t worry if you don’t feel comfortable expressing gratitude to others right away. Recognizing the good things in your life, like the bright blue sky and sunshine or a call from an old friend and adding them to your gratitude journal will soon pave the way to expressing gratitude to others.

Gratitude – AA Big Book, AA Coins, AA Chips & AA Jewelry at My12StepStore.com

“Today, celebrate who you are.” “We can show our gratitude for life in even our smallest actions.” “Could it be that you’re who you are and where you are now for a reason?”


Change Negatives to Positives

While changing negatives to positives may sound contradictory, it really isn’t. Nearly every event or situation has a bright side. Learning to see the positive instead of the negative is a skill that can lead to a lifetime of increased happiness and joy. When things don’t work out as you had hoped, take the time to uncover the positive side. For example, if plans for meeting a friend for lunch fall through, take it as an opportunity to enjoy a quiet walk in the park instead. When you find yourself living in the half empty part of the glass jump into the half full part.

Don Miguel Ruiz’ Wisdom from The Four Agreements

The Four Ageements is a book of inspirations and many great life lessons. Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering.


Do Things You Love

Doing the things, we love brings joy into our lives, which leads to building a positive attitude. Seek out activities that bring you joy and set aside time for them every day. Choose healthy activities that make you feel good. You may enjoy a walk in the sunshine, reading a good book, or taking up photography. The activity doesn’t need to be strenuous or time-consuming. If it brings you joy and is otherwise healthy, it qualifies as doing something you love.

My Heart is in My Recovery Enamel Medallion

Express your love for recovery with this uplifting colorful recovery medallion. It pretty much speaks for itself. The Serenity Prayer is on the backside.


Learning to train your brain to see the positives in life does take some work, but anyone can do it. Decide now to express gratitude, change negatives to positives and always make time to do the things you love. These simple steps will help you lead a happier and more positive life. 

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