It’s a brand-new year! You have 365 days ahead – you want to make them count. Things have started off great. You have beaten your addiction and are experiencing sober living. What’s next?
Setting resolutions are common in the New Year. What’s also common is getting sidetracked and forgetting those promises before February hits. So how can you get the most out of 2017? Here are some simple strategies to help you stick to your goals in the coming months.
Know What You Want
Give yourself a break and ditch other people’s expectations. This is the year for you to reach for your own stars. You’ve already faced your addiction; there is nothing you can’t accomplish. The key to reaching your goals is knowing what they are. Think about what you want the coming months to look like and write it down. That way, when you are feeling discouraged, you can go back and remind yourself why you have chosen this journey.
Make a Plan
It is easy to get sidetracked. A day can go by quickly leaving you with nothing accomplished. Make a plan for getting where you want to be. If going back to school is your plan, then write down everything you need to do it: visit schools, pick a program, obtain financing, schedule classes, etc. Once you have created a basic roadmap you will know what to do next in your journey.
Break Big Goals into Smaller Ones
When what you want seems too overwhelming to achieve, break it down into smaller more attainable milestones. Maybe you dream of opening your own restaurant. Wow, now that’s a goal! Well, you must start somewhere, even if that is taking a cooking or business class. Small steps will get you closer to your destination. But, if you never start, you’ll never find your way home.
Get Inspired
When motivation is running low, find something to inspire you. Maybe your goal for this year is to move into your own apartment (or a nicer one). Look at some decorating magazines or visit a few open houses to reenergize you and give you the boost you need to move forward with your goal.
Enjoy the Feeling of Accomplishment
You fought addiction in the past because you loved the rush of the high. Allow yourself the freedom to experience life’s natural highs. Accomplishing even the smallest goal will give you a rush of relief, pride, confirmation and achievement. Let yourself get caught up in those feelings – you deserve it.
Reward Yourself
One of the main reasons many people ditch their New Year’s resolutions so soon is because they don’t let themselves experience success. Reward yourself regularly – it’s a great motivator. Want to lose 20 pounds this year? Then reward yourself with something small when you lose the first five. It doesn’t have to be anything big (maybe a bubble bath, a visit with a special friend, or even an afternoon off from your daily chores). Giving yourself that pat on the back for a job well done will give you the boost you need to keep going.
Whether we admit it or not, we all dream of making this year better than the last. Stop letting those goals become forgotten. Take the time this year to turn those dreams into a reality. You have worked hard and you deserve a good year. Now get out there and make one for yourself!
Now that you are free of addiction, it is more important than ever to set goals. For help in learning how to handle sober living, check out the resources at www.my12stepstore.com.