How Do You Start Praying If You’re Atheist Or Agnostic?

When you are going through a 12 step recovery, you will often find that a lot of the materials focus on prayer as well as praying to a higher power, whether it be God or someone else. However, if you are an atheist or agnostic, how do you begin?

What is AA Agnostica?

You can take an alternative 12 step recovery that uses a secular view. This is for atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers. This allows you to focus on addiction recovery without having to accept beliefs that are not your own. If you don’t want to pray in the traditional sense, there is still a way for you to work towards sober living – and having access to the materials and groups that don’t have a religious reflection can be best for your belief system.

Finding a Higher Power

As you go through the addiction recovery process, it can be advantageous to find a higher power. Most people take this to mean God. However, it is not always the case. You don’t have to believe in God in order to have a higher power to look towards. Many atheists use the program as their higher power. They concentrate on the road to recovery and the value of others – as well as being a value towards others who are working on sober living.

A supernatural deity doesn’t have to be in the picture. Some people have beliefs that there is a higher power and others don’t. If you want to start praying, it doesn’t have to be to a deity.

Non-Religious Prayer

Your prayer can simply focus on reading materials that are mantras for the road to recovery. You can also enjoy a 12 step movement that uses prayer in a non-religious form. You should take some time to reflect on your life and your future, and this can be your time for prayer, even if it is not in the traditional sense.

It can be alarming to walk into AA and see that God is everywhere, including in the opening prayer. The good news is that you can still go through the program, even if you are agnostic or an atheist. Many have successfully completed the program before you and many will after you. It’s just important to know how to take God out of the equation and look for your own higher power, even if it is the program itself.


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In My Recovery, When Should I Pray And For How Long?

Addiction recovery is an emotional and physical journey, and it can be a spiritual one, too. You may want to explore prayer for purposes of sober living, but have some questions as to when you should pray and for how long.

prayerTaking Advantage of Prayer

You can find prayer books and other items to help you with prayer. There is no set time as to when you should pray. Often, you should turn to prayer when you are struggling the most. For example, there is the serenity prayer that can help you to ask for God’s help in the hard times that you face.

During the 12 step recovery process, you can take advantage of prayer to help you complete each of the steps. You may want to turn to your Higher Power to help restore your mind and let go of what you cannot control.

Prayer Heals

No matter what you go through during your addiction recovery, it’s important to remember that prayer heals. Throughout your days of sober living, some days are going to be harder than others. You can choose to pray every morning, every evening before going to bed, or in moments throughout the day.

It doesn’t matter when you pray as long as you are praying. You are never alone in the battles that you deal with during the 12 step recovery, and prayer can remind you of this. You can balance your mind, body and spirit throughout your time of prayer.

Some people are able to experience joy and balance faster than others. If you are experiencing fear and anxiety, reciting a few prayers or reading from an inspirational text can help to calm you down. You may spend a few minutes praying, or you may want to dedicate an entire day. Everyone is different, and everyone’s path to healing looks a little different.

To achieve sober living, you need to ask for forgiveness, ask for strength, and trust your Higher Power. When you develop the trust that God is going to help you overcome your obstacles, it can be easier to spend less time in prayer because you know what to say and the simple words from your favorite inspirational text can help you to achieve your balance every time. Do what is right for you to ensure you are able to get the strength you need to lead a clean, healthy, and happy life.

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Meditation Tips for Sober Living

Overcoming addiction can be challenging, and it’s important to find ways to reduce stress and keep a clear mind. As you go through a 12 step recovery process, consider adding meditation to your daily routine. Meditation has been shown to improve physical, mental and emotional well-being, making it a valuable part of addiction recovery.

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation involves focusing your mind in order to center yourself, achieve a sense of inner peace, calm your brain, relieve anxiety or get in touch with your spiritual side. When you meditate on a regular basis, it can change the way your brain is wired. The parts of your brain that control memory, self-awareness and other important aspects of cognitive and mental function become more active, while the parts of your brain that are associated with stress and anxiety become less active. When you’re working toward overcoming addiction and adapting to sober living, meditation can lower your risk of relapse by relieving stress and helping you become calmer and more focused.

Tips on Meditation

If you don’t have any prior experience with meditation, use the following tips to help you get started:

  • Set aside time for it. Make meditation part of your daily routine by dedicating a certain amount of time to it. Include it in your daily schedule so you won’t forget to do it or run into problems finding time for it while you’re in 12 step recovery. 
  • Start out slowly. Meditation takes time to get used to, so don’t expect to sit quietly for 30 minutes or more at the beginning. Instead, focus on meditation for about ten minutes at a time, then gradually increase this time once you’re more comfortable with this practice. 
  • Begin by breathing. Start off your meditation routine by taking slow, deep breaths. This helps you concentrate better and relaxes your muscles, so you won’t feel tense while trying to meditate.
  • Choose one thing to focus on. Meditation is all about focusing all of your attention on one thing at a time and not letting anything else interfere. You can start by focusing on a certain saying or mantra, a candle flame or a vivid image in your mind. 
  • Pick a quiet place. Meditate in an area where you will not be distracted or disturbed by others. 

Keep in mind that it could take a while to get used to meditation, but practicing it each day during addiction recovery can help you achieve your goal of sober living.

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How do you know if someone needs recovery?

Making sure that a loved one gets help for drug or alcohol addiction is an important part of recovery, but how can you tell if they have a problem in the first place? While you might suspect that something is wrong, keep in mind that those with an addiction usually try to hide any signs of it. Knowing what to look for can help you determine whether or not your loved one has an addiction, so you can assist them with finding a 12-step recovery program or other addiction recovery treatment.

Signs of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction can produce a wide range of symptoms, depending on the type of drug being used. In general, those who use drugs regularly might show the following physical symptoms:

  • Poor hygiene
  • Unexplained weight changes
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Pupils that are dilated or contracted
  • Poor coordination
  • Shaking or tremors
  • Slurred speech

Drug addiction might also result in noticeable changes in your loved one’s behavior, such as:

  • Sudden financial difficulties
  • Poor performance on the job or at school
  • Trouble with the law
  • Unpredictable mood swings
  • Personality changes
  • Paranoia or anxiety
  • Loss of motivation
  • Hyperactivity at times

Certain types of illegal drugs can cause specific symptoms. For example, those who use heroin might have needle marks, while those who use cocaine might have a dry mouth or nasal problems. Those who use LSD or PCP might experience hallucinations and become aggressive, while Xanax and other depressants can cause people to act clumsy or have trouble concentrating.

Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Drinking alcohol on a regular basis can cause significant changes in your loved one’s physical appearance and behavior. Some of the symptoms to watch for include:

  • Sudden mood swings
  • Shaky hands
  • Reddish or flushed face
  • Lack of interest in spending time with others
  • Memory loss
  • Showing up late for work, appointments and social events
  • Financial difficulties

You might also find other signs of addiction, such as hidden bottles of alcohol stashed around your loved one’s home. If your loved one drinks in front of others, pay attention to how and when that happens. Those with an alcohol addiction might drink early in the morning, drink at specific times each day, focus on drinking at social events and chug the first few drinks.

If your loved one exhibits any symptoms of drug or alcohol use, your next step is to work on getting them into addiction recovery, such as a 12-step recovery program. Once they start the recovery process, they’ll be on their way to living a healthy life and leaving their addiction behind.


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How Do You Tell Someone They Need Recovery…Intervention?

Everyone should have the chance to live the best possible life. When you see a loved one that is suffering due to addiction, it may be your place to help get them on the path to addiction recovery. Many people have no idea where to go to get the help and therefore they don’t get the help they so desperately need.

It doesn’t matter whether someone has been willing to take the step on their own or not. Sometimes, it is you being there that will encourage them to take that step because they know they have the love and support they need to make some modifications within the way they are living their live.

Before you mention 12-step recovery, it is important to educate yourself on addiction. Attend a few meetings for support groups and even tap into some of the local resources. This will allow you to strengthen your own emotional well-being and know more about what to expect for your loved one as you look to plan an intervention.

Sometimes an intervention is the best way to show someone that they are in need of addiction recovery resources. However, you have to focus on the person. If you gather up a few of their closest friends and family members and out them as being an alcoholic or a drug user, they may shut down and you have lost them.

Everyone has an environment where they feel most comfortable, and it is your job to determine what that is for the friend or family member that needs help.

It may be helpful to use a professional interventionist so that the main thoughts get across and a person can see what the benefits of a 12-step recovery would be.

You have to make sure they know the damage of their addiction from YOUR point of view, so using “I” is important. Everyone who is a part of the intervention needs to take the same approach.

It’s not easy to see the person you know and love struggling. You want to show them that they have a way to make things better for themselves and that you love and support them with their decision and that you are at their side.

Intervention of some sort is going to be necessary, it is simply a matter of the personal approach that you take.


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You’re as Sick as your Secrets

When you struggle with alcohol or drug addiction, you might go to great lengths to hide your problem. This can include drinking or doing drugs on the sly or lying to loved ones about taking these substances. While it’s understandable that you don’t want to worry your loved ones, it’s important to realize that being secretive about your addiction is preventing you from getting the help you need from a 12-step recovery program or another form of addiction recovery.

Why Do People Keep Secrets?

Those who struggle with addiction often keep this a secret for different reasons. Hiding this kind of problem allows them to continue drinking or taking drugs without anyone interfering or trying to stop them. Others are worried that admitting they have a problem will cause their loved ones to reject them or put friends and family members under a lot of stress. Some might not believe they truly have an addiction, although they’re aware enough to realize that loved ones might frown on their behavior. This causes them to drink or do drugs in secret and hide any evidence that they have a problem.

Do These Secrets Cause Harm?

Alcoholics Anonymous has a saying that “you’re only as sick as your secrets,” which calls attention to the importance of being honest about addiction. When it comes to drug or alcohol addiction, keeping secrets can be harmful. When you hide your problem from loved ones or even from yourself through self-deception, you’re making it harder for you to move toward sober living. In order to get help, you’ll need to admit you have a problem and be willing to turn to friends and family members for support. When you keep secrets about your addiction, your loved ones can’t provide you with the social support you need. You’ll also be much less likely to seek treatment through an addiction recovery program.

How Can I Stop Keeping Secrets?

The best way to stop being secretive about your addiction is to make a commitment to being honest. When you’re honest with yourself and with loved ones about your struggles, your chances of achieving sober living become much higher. You and your loved ones can work together to get you into a 12-step recovery program or another type of addiction recovery program, so you can get the help you need to lead a happy, healthy life.

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High On Life From Sober Conferences – The Day After

Sober conferences can be a lot of fun, but overwhelming. You spend days meeting new people and attending an array of events – often that go into the wee hours of the night. There are some various ways for you to wind down and practice sober living so you can overcome the various obstacles and return to your normal activities with plenty of energy.

1. Eat Healthy Food

Try to get back into your routine with better eating. You likely ate whatever food was at the conference, so put the focus back into your health.

2. Journal

Journal about your experiences, including 12-step recovery ideas that you were given and people that you met along the way that could potentially help with addiction recovery. Record how grateful you are for the opportunity to attend the sober conference and all that you want to remember from what you experienced while there.

3. Meditate

Spend some time meditating over what you learned about sober living.

4. Drink Tea

Drink some tea with chamomile or lavender to help you settle down and wind down.

5. Read a Good Book

Sit down and read a book, such as a 12-step recovery book like the Big Book that can help you to figure out what your next move is going to be.

6. Get Moving

Attend a yoga class or go to the gym. Sometimes focusing on your own well-being can be very important. You may want to start to become healthier. Plus, the yoga or gym can be a continuous outlet to help get rid of stress so that it doesn’t continue to creep up on you to the point that you feel that you are at a breaking point.

7. Practice Letting Go

Make a list or create mental notes of what you can and cannot control. It’s important that you identify these because it can be a source of stress otherwise. A higher power has given us the ability to do many things, though some are still out of our reach now. If something cannot be controlled by you, there is no need to fret about it. Let go, and let God!

8. Connect with Others

Be supportive to others. You met a lot of great people throughout the conference. Make a list of the people you want to be able to meet up with or talk on the phone. Send a text or email to them to let them know that you are there to support them. They will likely return the favor.

You can do so much to relax and plan for the future, so take the time to think about what works best for you.


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High On Life From Sober Conferences – The Day After

High On Life From Sober Conferences – The Day After

Sober conferences can be a lot of fun, but overwhelming. You spend days meeting new people and attending an array of events – often that go into the wee hours of the night. There are some various ways for you to wind down and practice sober living so you can overcome the various obstacles and return to your normal activities with plenty of energy.

1. Eat Healthy Food

Try to get back into your routine with better eating. You likely ate whatever food was at the conference, so put the focus back into your health.

2. Journal

Journal about your experiences, including 12-step recovery ideas that you were given and people that you met along the way that could potentially help with addiction recovery. Record how grateful you are for the opportunity to attend the sober conference and all that you want to remember from what you experienced while there.

3. Meditate

Spend some time meditating over what you learned about sober living.

4. Drink Tea

Drink some tea with chamomile or lavender to help you settle down and wind down.

5. Read a Good Book

Sit down and read a book, such as a 12-step recovery book like the Big Book that can help you to figure out what your next move is going to be.

6. Get Moving

Attend a yoga class or go to the gym. Sometimes focusing on your own well-being can be very important. You may want to start to become healthier. Plus, the yoga or gym can be a continuous outlet to help get rid of stress so that it doesn’t continue to creep up on you to the point that you feel that you are at a breaking point.

7. Practice Letting Go

Make a list or create mental notes of what you can and cannot control. It’s important that you identify these because it can be a source of stress otherwise. A higher power has given us the ability to do many things, though some are still out of our reach now. If something cannot be controlled by you, there is no need to fret about it. Let go, and let God!

8. Connect with Others

Be supportive to others. You met a lot of great people throughout the conference. Make a list of the people you want to be able to meet up with or talk on the phone. Send a text or email to them to let them know that you are there to support them. They will likely return the favor.

You can do so much to relax and plan for the future, so take the time to think about what works best for you.

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ATLANTA 2015 AA International Convention

The Fourth of July holiday weekend is indeed a celebration this year. It is also the year that Alcoholics Anonymous celebrates “80 Years of Happy, Joyous and Free” sobriety with their 2015 AA International Convention in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia. Attendees can look forward to four days of formal and informal meetings and fellowship steeped in a foundation of protected anonymity. This hallmark of AA — its members’ anonymity — allows you to enjoy both formal and informal activities within the safe and non-judgmental environment.

Festivities All Weekend Long

Begin the celebration with a “Party in the Park” Thursday evening in Centennial Olympic Park, located beside the Georgia Convention Center. Full days of topic meetings are slated for both Friday and Saturday with informal plays that highlight many of the most beloved principles of AA will be performed each evening. A Closing Meeting wraps up the convention at 11:30 Sunday morning.

Attending the AA Convention

Attending your first sober convention can evoke a mixture of conflicting emotions. You might be excited and frightened at the same time. The excitement will only build as you enjoy events that celebrate your sobriety. Tackle your fears by implementing a few — or all! — of the tips below.

  • Wear something special: There a reason why dressing for success is such a frequently used phrase. Wear a favorite ball cap that celebrates your sobriety or that favorite piece of jewelry that embraces your sobriety milestones.
  • Bring something from home: Taking your morning coffee or tea in your favorite Serenity Prayer cup or travel mug can help start your day off on the right foot. Tackle homesickness at night by snuggling in your cozy fleece blanket as you drift off to sleep each night.
  • Stake out a safe spot and take a break: Attending a sober convention might be overwhelming. Pack a small backpack with a book or other AA reading material, grab a snack and find an unused couch to take a step back from all the activity when it starts to overwhelm you.
  • YOU can always look for a My 12 Step Store location and we will greet you!
  • HALT- Hunger, Anger, Loneliness, Tired – can happen if you don’t take care of the basics: It can be tempting to go nonstop from morning until the wee hours of the night in an attempt to see and do everything. Instead, pick and choose the activities that you take part in. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat well and stay hydrated so that you have the energy to enjoy yourself.
  • Remember if you’re having overwhelming feelings, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
  • Make sure you stop by and say Hi at our 3 locations!
    • Sober Village located at 157 Luckie St (across from Centennial Park)
    • Sober City – Luckie and Spring St (at the Ferris wheel Tabernacle)
    • Sober Store Expo – 82 Andrew Young International Blvd (next to Holiday Inn) This one is indoors with air conditioning.
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15 Tips for Maintaining Sober Living

Staying clean and sober is a choice. It is a decision made every hour of every day and can be supported by the environment, habits, and people one invites into one’s life. Implement these 15 tips to stay motivated on your path to addiction recovery and beyond.

  1. When in the initial months of addiction recovery, your objective is to make it to the end of the day without using an addictive substance.
  2. There is no “I can handle just one drink.” Practice abstaining from all alcohol or drugs.
  3. Take care of your physical body with exercise and healthy eating.
  4. Create new relationships with positive, supportive people who want the best for you. Eliminate bad influences from your life.
  5. Reconnect with those that have become distant due to substance abuse.
  6. Be accountable and responsible for your actions.
  7. Join a support group and take advice and give support to others in the 12-step recovery process.
  8. Practice forgiveness. Resentfulness and grudges are hard crosses to bear. Forgiveness is part of the 12-step recovery process and allows love back in and makes those who practice it feel unburdened.
  9. Stop the self-pity act. Create actionable steps to get you towards your goals. Self-pity creates a sense that one is not responsible for actions today because of mitigating circumstances. Stay in control and go forward.
  10. Use tools to manage stress. Meditation, walking, and journaling can all help reduce the feeling of stress on the body and create more self-awareness. Turn to hobbies such as crafting or playing an instrument to take a break.
  11. Create a schedule and regular events to stay busy. Enjoy the company of friends and family. Accomplish goals. Take on extra projects. This is important in the first few months of sober living.
  12. Develop a network of people that you can talk with and turn to when you need an ear or need some motivation to stay sober.
  13. Meet other people. Take on a social hobby, such as a cooking or dancing class. Learn new skills and engage productively with others.
  14. Write down 5 things that you are grateful for daily. A gratitude journal is a way to be aware of the gifts around us and appreciate our journey.

    Tree of Life leather Journal

    Sober living is easier when you remember what you’re grateful for. Write down what you’re thankful for each day in a journal.

  15. Use extra time to update job skills or go back to school. Enable yourself to gain confidence, and possibly a promotion, with attention to your education.
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