Ways To Be of Service to Others  


Are you looking for purpose in your life? Don’t wait until you figure out what it is, or you may never find it. Doing things that help others will give purpose to your life, and more often than not, these projects will lead you to your specific purpose. You may ask, “How can I help others?” Here are some answers that we have compiled.

Love and Service Lapel Pin

Love This : Love and Service Lapel Pin


Help Feed the Hungry

It doesn’t have to take up all your time. You can volunteer one day or evening per month or two or three days per week. You can cook or deliver or both. These non-profit organizations can always use your help. If nothing else, they can always use food donations. Feeding hungry people is quite fulfilling.

Sister Ignatia Book | Sister Ignatia Second Edition | My 12 Step Store

Sister Mary Ignatia Gavin epitomized the spirit of love, service, and honesty that today are the hallmarks of Alcoholics Anonymous. As a hospital admissions officer in the 1930s in Akron, Ohio, Sr. Ignatia befriended Dr. Bob Smith, co-founder of AA, and courageously arranged for the hospitalization of alcoholics at a time when alcoholism was viewed as a character weakness rather than a disease.


Work with other Addicts

Carry the message to others that recovery works. You can help when no one else can. You can secure their confidence when others fail. Life will take on new meaning. To watch people, recover, to see them recover, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends — this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it. Sharing your experience and working with other addicts will also help you stay sober and clean as a result of working with others.

Worthy Of Love Daily Meditations on Loving Ourselves and Others – Home of the very best in recovery books and unique gifts

For those who struggle to love and be loved — Worthy of Love offers 52 wisdom-filled meditations. Favorite Hazelden author Karen Casey clarifies the varieties of love: the love we show friends, family, a lover, even ourselves.


Pay Someone’s Bill

It doesn’t have to be a meal at a restaurant. It could be at an office supply store, a department store, or a coffee shop. Do it to brighten someone’s day. It encourages people when other people are kind to them. Their outlook changes. Knowing you were a part of that change could improve your outlook, as well. Your outlook has improved, and you are doing well on your road to recovery!

A Year Of Miracles – Marianne Williamson – My 12 Step Store

In A Year of Miracles, Marianne Williamson, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the classic A Return to Love and world-renowned teacher, offers a daily devotional that helps us develop a positive, loving mindset and encourages us to live our best selves to bring miracles into our lives.


Teach a Class for the Elderly

Many cities and towns have programs for the elderly that need volunteers. What do you like to do? What do you know how to do? Teach it to the elderly. You could even host a reading club for them. The point is to spend time with them and give them something to do. It keeps them going.


LIVING CLEAN – Leather Gift edition. NA’s newest book about the practice of recovery in our daily lives, in our relationships, and in our service to others. 258 pages.


Create and Leave Gift Baskets for Long-Term Patients

There are people in the hospital suffering long-term with many types of diseases. Not just hospitals, either, but nursing homes — these people live there, and some of them never receive a visitor. A gift basket would be a ray of sunshine in their day. You’re sober: You’re in the sunshine business!

You have purpose, whether you know it or not. Just do something for someone else — almost anything will make a positive difference. If you feel like you have no purpose, attend a 12-step support meeting where you can find people who care about how you feel. You can do this — one day at a time!

Gold Unity Recovery Service Ring – My 12 Step Store

This AA unity ring has the words Unity, Recovery and Service on the side of the triangle. It is made of 10K Gold and has a high polish finish.


If you’re looking for items to help you on your road to recovery, you can visit my12stepstore.com.

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