Food Addiction: Feeding my Feelings

Food addiction refers to compulsive overeaters who engage in frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating (binge eating). The term binge eating means eating an unhealthy amount of food while feeling that one’s sense of control has been lost. Dealing with stress and anxiety can affect you in numerous ways, including your eating habits. If you find yourself reaching for food when you’re feeling anxious or stressed, you might have an emotional eating problem or food addiction.  Knowing how your feelings can lead to this type of eating problem and what to do about it can help you work on overcoming it and building healthier dietary habits.  Continue reading

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Can Pets Help You in Your Recovery?

Pet’s come in all types, whether you prefer a dog, a cat, a rabbit or a bird, your animal is a significant part of your life, and they can be extremely helpful while you are in recovery. The first year of recovery is generally the hardest, so you will need as much support as possible, regardless of whether it is through human support or pet support? The bond you have with your pet is special, they rely on you for their companionship, and you feed them, play with them etc. And just as they rely on you to have a safe and healthy life, you, in turn, can rely on them to be sources of support while you are in addiction recovery. Here are just a few of the benefits of having pets while in recovery.  Continue reading

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3 Ways to Train Your Brain to Be More Positive

It may seem like some people are just born positive as they always have a ready smile and a kind word to share. You might be surprised to learn that positive people stay positive by training themselves to be that way. You can too. Have heard of living in the half full part of the glass. Follow these tips for training your mind to stay on the positive and let the negative go.  Continue reading

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No Vacation? No Problem: Planning a Sober Staycation

If you want to take a vacation this summer, but do not want to break the bank, there is a way to get the rest and relaxation you deserve without traveling far from home. And honestly, there could not be a better time than now to do this. A staycation is a great way to take a break from reality and focus on having sober fun and resting. It is the same concept as a vacation, except you stay at home. One of the main rules is set guidelines and pretend like you’re out of town; in other words, no working from home, no housework and no tasks that would interfere with relaxation. Here are some tips to have a fun and relaxing sober staycation.  Continue reading

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She’s in Recovery

Addiction to drugs and/or alcohol is an equal opportunity disease; it does not distinguish between men and women; however, women are generally affected differently than men. Women tend to progress quicker in addiction, face a range of different barriers when attempting to get help and they recover differently than men. It is important to recognize how critical these differences can be when it comes to identifying the addiction, determining the most effective treatment options, and recognizing the challenges women may encounter while on their journey to recovery.
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5 Drug Free Sober Summer Activities

The glorious weather and times of community gatherings are highly anticipated summer occasions. However, as a person in recovery, these events and get-togethers can be challenging when it comes to staying sober and drug-free.  Now with all the covid19 restrictions things are even more challenging to socialize in recovery. Here at My 12 Step Store, we offer these five tips to stay sober and drug-free this summer. Continue reading

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Tips to Stay Clean & Sober on the 4th of July

Summer has arrived and with summer comes local festivals, family gatherings and one of the most celebrated holidays of the year-the 4th of July. Depending on where you live Covid19 regulations on staying safe should be followed and may determine your celebration plans. Summer gatherings can be a fun and festive time, but they can also be stressful and potential triggers for those who are in recovery from substance use. The 4th of July is viewed as a holiday meant for gatherings, BBQ’s and outdoor activities, which can, unfortunately, be difficult for those who want to stay sober, so here are a few tips to help you have a fun and sober 4th of July.  Continue reading

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Sober and So Stressed

Stress can affect people both physically and emotionally. It is an extremely powerful event that can cause anyone to experience coping difficulties. Unfortunately, stress for those who are struggling with sobriety may sometimes be difficult to cope with, which may lead to relapse. The good news is there are ways to manage your stress, while on your journey to stay clean and sober.
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Sober Dads: Ways to Celebrate this Father’s Day

With Father’s Day just around the corner, many people are thinking about how to celebrate the men in their lives. There are a multitude of ways to let your dad know what he means to you, and finding a meaningful way to connect can really be a special gift. If you’re a dad in recovery, this Father’s Day can be a time to let your kids, know how important they are in your own life.  Continue reading

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Friends and Support: Who Helps and Who Hurts

The need for human connection is hardwired into all of us but finding ways to connect in a healthy manner can be challenging during addiction. Many people have developed a network of friends surrounding their drinking or drug use and maintaining those friendships can pose a serious risk to sobriety. Fortunately, there are ways to make new connections that will support your health and wellness.  Continue reading

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