Sober is the New Black: Reasons Why Fewer Millennials Are Drinking

Recent studies have shown that fewer millennials are drinking compared to other generations. Instead, millennials are focused on other activities that do not involve alcohol or drinking. If you are in recovery or committed to sober living, this means that instead of being one of the rare people who doesn’t drink, you may now be a part of the larger crowd who doesn’t drink. Here are a few of the key reasons why this generation has fewer drinkers than others and why sober may be the new black.  Continue reading

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Recovery Life and Yoga

Recovery Life and Yoga

When you are recovering from addiction, it can often seem like your past vices are constantly calling out to you to come back. That is why 12-step programs and other recovery methods so often recommend replacing those bad habits with healthier ones. Yoga is great for this, and here’s why.  Continue reading

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What Does it Mean to Have a Higher Power?

A higher power is the cornerstone of the major 12-step programs, including Alcoholics Anonymous; “Came to belief that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity”, Narcotics Anonymous and other variations. While it is not required that you take up religion in order to follow the program to help with your recovery, having belief that there is something greater than yourself can get you through the tough times on the road back from addiction. So, what does “higher power” actually mean?   Let’s take a look at a few of the most common examples.  Continue reading

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Is it Love or Lust?

If you are in recovery, it is important to surround yourself with healthy people and have healthy relationships. This makes it easier to remain sober and  free from addiction to continue your path to recovery. When you are ready to date again, you may find someone who sweeps you off your feet. When this happens, you may wonder if it is love or lust, or have other questions related to love and lust. Here are a few of the questions you may have.  Continue reading

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Fun (and Sober!) Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Ahh . . . love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, but you don’t want to do the same old-same old thing you do every year with your special someone, do you?!? Instead, here’s some new ways to have tons of fun with your love, while still staying true to your healthy commitment. Whether you’re ready to hit the town or want to stay home and relax, we’ve got some great ideas to keep things fresh this February.  Continue reading

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Being Addicted to Success

When you’re taking steps toward leading a sober life, or recovery from any negative addiction, having an addiction to success can work in your favor. Although addictions are often thought of as a negative thing, being driven to succeed can help you achieve your goals in recovery. The key is to balance your ambition with self-care and quality time with others.  Continue reading

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Think Positively! Here Are Four Tips on How to Have a Great Day!

When you are in recovery, you have to take things one day at a time. When you wake up, you have to think that today is going to be a good day. But in addition to just thinking it, there are steps and actions you can take to help maximize the chances of your day being a good one. Aside from surrendering to your higher power, here are four tips that can help to make your day a great one.  Continue reading

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Belief and Faith: What They Mean for Your Recovery

Although the two terms are often used interchangeably, belief and faith are quite different. Belief is a necessary precursor to faith, but there is more to it than that. Here’s what you need to know about the distinction between the two and how you can use both of them to live a life in recovery and  achieve sober livingContinue reading

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How to Break the “I’ll Start Tomorrow” Mentality

With the new year upon us, many people have resolutions they’re working on. Some of the most common resolutions include eating healthy, exercising more and breaking addictions that they may have. Unfortunately, while people make these resolutions, they often have an “I’ll start tomorrow” mindset. It is often commonly known as a defect of character called “procrastination” and a deadly sin known as “sloth” They may have every intention of completing their goal, but then they get busy and figure they will just start tomorrow instead. If you are making resolutions, here are a few tips to break out of this “I’ll start tomorrow” mentality.  Continue reading

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Ways to Love Yourself in the New Year

Congratulations…and welcome to 2018…You made it!! It’s a new year, and for many people, it is a period of self-reflection and an opportunity to set goals for the future. If you are currently in recovery from addiction or clean and sober, you have a lot to reflect on, to be proud of and look forward to in the new year. But for many people, especially those in recovery, looking at the past year can be challenging. Here are a few tips on how to love yourself and be proud in the new year.  Continue reading

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