Feeling Overwhelmed? Find Ways to Relax and Keep Motivated

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed while in recovery. When you are overcoming addiction, it’s important to take it easy and make a conscious decision to manage your stress, and there are many things that you can do.

Just Relax

Relaxing is often easier said than done, but when you are in recovery, there are DVDs that can be used to help you with all of the steps. They can show you more about how to relax.

Learn to say “no” to the things that are going to add stress to your life. People may be asking you to help in different areas. If it is beyond what you can handle, apologize and say that you are not able to. It comes down to being able to maintain your mental health. When you are overcoming addiction, you don’t need any reason to stray from your path, and stress can often cause this to happen.

There are various things that you can do to help you relax:

  • Try breathing techniques
  • Go to a yoga class
  • Head to the gym
  • Listen to some music
  • Read a book

Everyone has different relaxation techniques that help them. Find what works for you and stick to it. At the first sign of stress, go find your happy place.

Use Affirmations

It is important to speak affirmations that will help to calm you down. Be positive in your thoughts and recite them as often as possible. You may even want to write some of the affirmations down. A good one to turn to when you’re feeling down is, “Everything is going to work out in the end.” Write it down and hang it somewhere that you will see it several times a day as a constant reminder.

On the road to recovery, it can be advantageous to have daily meditation books that allow you to take a few minutes each day and meditate a little bit. At My 12 Step Store, you can find various books that can be used to help you let go of some of the anger and accept that things can and will get better for you. Overwhelming feelings can threaten to bury you. The best thing to do is take a deep breath and relax. Overcoming addiction is not easy, but when you can eliminate some of the stress from your life, it can be easier to deal with and take in stride.

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Setting Goals and Keeping Them One Day at a Time

Setting goals can be one of the very best ways to get past addiction and move forward into a life of joy, peace and freedom. The idea of setting goals may seem daunting or stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. While goals are markers for something you want to accomplish, they can also be worked toward one day at a time. That’s how you get to and keep a goal that’s important to you. When you can work toward something just one day at a time, it doesn’t feel as frightening to handle.

How to Set Goals the Right Way

What kinds of goals do you have? Are they small things or are they lofty? Either way, you can learn to keep them one day at a time, and that’s a great way to have a goal and hang onto it. When you set goals, it’s important that you think about how difficult (or easy) they may be for you. You can also set short-term and long-term goals. The short-term goals are generally easier because they don’t take as long to get to and accomplish. The long-term goals will be more difficult since they are bigger and they will take more time to get to. But that doesn’t mean you can’t work toward them each day, so you get closer and closer to them as time goes on.

Your goals should be realistic, but they should also take some effort to get to. When you must work toward your goals, meeting and achieving your goals is often its own reward. Seeing that you can achieve a goal is often very motivating, and can keep you focused on the future and on wanting to do more with your talents and abilities. When you create your goals, write them down. You want to be able to see them every day.

Keeping Your Goals Each and Every Day

It’s not just about setting your goals, though. It’s about keeping them, and that’s something you have to make a commitment to each and every day. For that day, remind yourself that what you’re doing only has to be done for a day. Tomorrow will be a new day and will take care of itself. Just focus on the day you have right there, right in front of you. Know that you can do what you need to do for that day. Then when you get up the next day, do the same thing. You will have kept your short-term goals each day and reached your long-term goals before you know it.

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Turn to Your Family for Support During the Holidays

The holiday season can be a challenging one when you’re going through recovery. This time of year is a busy one, and it’s also an extremely emotional one for many people. If you’re struggling with stress and anxiety over social expectations, or feelings of loneliness during the holidays, getting support from family can be an enormous help as you work toward sober living.

Families Come in All Shapes and Sizes

Spending the holidays with family doesn’t always mean gathering around the dinner table with mom, dad, siblings and other relatives. The word “family” can be used to describe any group of people that you feel close to. Whether that’s one parent or a group of close friends, your family consists of those who are closest to your heart. These people can provide you with the emotional support you need during this hectic season. When you gather with family, you should feel loved and welcomed no matter what you’re going through. Regardless of who you consider family, these are the people who can make the holiday season a happy one for you despite your struggles.

Closing the Distance

If the people you’re closest to live far away, try to make travel plans to see them over the holidays if possible. If you’re unable to do that, stay in touch with them in other ways. Use video chat software to see and talk to them, or spend time chatting with them on the phone so you can at least hear their voices. You can also keep in touch with them through social media or by sending a heartfelt, handwritten card.

Be Realistic About Expectations

Now that you’re going through a 12-step recovery program, you might think that the holidays will be joyful occasions, but it’s important to be realistic about your expectations. Even though you’re working toward a sober living goal, things that have happened in the past that might have created distance between you and your family can come up. These events might cause some friction in the present, so try to be patient and understanding when you’re with family. Keep in mind that your family might have certain expectations about you and your behavior as well. They might expect you to feel cheerful all the time during the holidays, but it’s common to go through different emotions when you’re recovering from addiction. Instead of hiding your feelings, turning to compassionate family members can help you cope with these emotions.

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Who Said Clean and Sober Holidays had to Be Boring?

The holidays are quickly approaching, and that means we’ll all be attending a myriad of get-togethers like office parties, secret Santa exchanges and other events. These social functions will undoubtedly be full of alcohol and inebriated party-goers. It is possible for those in recovery to have a fantastic time at these holiday events even while surrounded by booze or other drugs.

You can be the Life of the Party Without Giving In

Too many people rely on alcohol or drugs as a crutch, thinking it helps them become social, happy and fun to be around. Think about the real point of having a holiday party. It is to spend time with friends and family while eating good food, listening to music and enjoying other sorts of entertainment. You can partake in karaoke, board games, video games, movie marathons, grandiose meals and other niceties during the holidays without setting back your progress in recovery.

A Sober Holiday is a Memorable Holiday

One of the best aspects of holiday celebrations is creating memories. What’s the point of getting together with your friends and family during the holidays if you move on with no recollection of those events? Go ahead and enjoy sober living during the holidays. You’ll be able to dance, laugh, play and interact with others with perfect mental clarity. In the end, you’ll have fond memories that last a lifetime.

You can do Anything While Sober

If you’d rather avoid being around temptations altogether during the holidays, encourage your friends and family to do something different and go out for some fun instead. You could go to the local movie theater and enjoy a family-friendly film together, or grab a cup off coffee and something sweet at your favorite coffee shop. You and your loved ones will still have plenty of fun without you feeling uncomfortable.

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I’m Dreaming of Beautiful Recovery Gifts in Style!

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the sober house,
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney, in hopes to be filled with more
shiny hope and fun unique gifts with the most in recovery from My 12 Step Store.

The clean and sober adults were like young children all nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of presents filled their heads , gratitude was what they really said.
All over the world it was the same, from teenage adults on up people in recovery
were hoping for gifts that had new meaning to their ways of living in recovery.

Some envisioned big fancy gifts of jewelry and diamonds with emeralds and ruby’s,
others thought of fun stocking stuffers and  yet some wished for special Hanukkah sapphires.
They all have a wish list but would be ever so grateful for anything from My 12 Step Store,
holiday wrapped and delivered with all that special thought  from great old St Nick.

The beautiful moon on the face of the newcomer was like fresh-fallen snow.
Stars twinkled deep into their hearts with sweet new thoughts and pleasant sober dreams.
When, what to my wondering eyes they opened up to amazing new recovery toys.
House’s were filled all over the world with love and gifts of hope from My 12 Step Store.

It was true…Dreams were heard and wishes were filled, Joy was whistled, and shouted,and all gifts were called out by name! “Now,  12-Step Ball! Now, Big Book Cover!
Now, Gold Unity Ring and AA pendant! On, glitter medallion! On, Pink Sparkle Diamond Bling!
On, NA Medallions! On Serenity Prayer Mug and Money Clip! Forward, Al-Anon Jewelry!
and Recovery Meditation Books! Forward, Gifts for Her!, Forward Gifts for Him!

Recovery eyes-how they twinkled! Adults with children like dimples how merry!
Happy cheeks were like serenity roses, with recovery noses like a cherry!
Everyone had something, sober gifts, NA toys, Al-Anon joys, overeaters, Sex and Love addicts.
And all were shipped and delivered by My 12 Step Store and great old St Nick!

Not a word was spoke for it could all be done on your own www.my12stepstore.com
If one found to be stuck or need to order by phone you can always call us, 310-623-1702
We suggest you start and shop early cause we really want St Nick to be able to deliver.
Or, if you’re nearby then you can stop by 8730 Santa Monica Blvd. west Hollywood CA

We wish you all the amazing recovery you can imagine and all the serenity you wish to happen.
We will work ever so hard to serve and please, know we share and give back for those who need.
We hope to hear a sound from you and Thank you for all your support year round.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all, and to all a clean and sober good-night!

View our video blog here: https://youtu.be/bfo-zJosrAg

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Why do the Holidays Make Me Feel Lonely?

The holidays can feel like an awfully lonely time for those who are in recovery. You might be surrounded by loved ones; friends and co-workers at all sorts of social events but still feel a sense of loneliness. Part of your perceived seclusion can be attributed to the fact that you are in the midst of a dramatic life change that most others can’t relate to. It can also be because others consume alcohol during holiday events while you continue your sober living and quest for personal growth. If this sounds like you, keep reading to find out how you can put those lonely feelings behind you and enjoy the holidays.

Define the Real Problem

Plenty of individuals in recovery experience feelings of loneliness around the holidays even though they have loving friends and family around them. The problem is not a lack of company, but a lack of genuine connections. For some, the solution is to search out others who value sober living. For others, the answer is to find new social circles with individuals who share common interests outside of imbibing alcohol and other drugs. It is critical that you determine what the actual reason for your loneliness is. Once you have pinpointed the core of the problem, you can work on developing genuine connections with others while marching forth with your recovery.

Strive to Establish Fellowship with Others in Recovery

One of the best ways to eliminate your feelings of loneliness around the holidays is to aim for fellowship in recovery. Those who can forge bonds with others who value sober living will enjoy a meaningful life free of substance abuse. Fellowship in recovery provides key social support functions that every former substance abuser can benefit from. Consider joining a 12 Step group to find people with similar life paths. After all, it is often counterproductive to be around substance abusers, especially during the holidays when the alcohol flows freely. Instead, reach out to groups that provide support to those in recovery. You’ll establish meaningful bonds that just might last a lifetime. Even if these relationships do not stand the test of time, they will certainly alleviate your holiday loneliness.

A Sponsor Might be the Solution to Your Problem

In some instances, a sponsor will provide essential support to your quest for sober living. Sponsors are highly experienced individuals in recovery programs who make themselves available to those attempting to break free from substance abuse addiction. If you ever feel lonely even in the slightest during the holiday months, reach out to your sponsor for a conversation, meeting or social outing. He or she just might provide the support and common ground you need to keep your spirits up during the holidays.

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How to Show Your Gratitude this Holiday Season

The holiday season is a great time to think about all of the things you’re thankful for in life, especially when you’re going through recovery. It’s also an ideal time to show how thankful you are for those around you who have supported you through recovery. You don’t need a lot of money for presents to show gratitude. There are several other ways for you to give thanks this season.

Show Gratitude to Loved Ones

From a simple smile to a sticky note with a message of love on it, you can let your loved ones know how thankful you are for having them in your life. Cook a special dinner for a family member or friend to show your appreciation, or send them a thank you note in the mail. You can also plan to spend extra time with them, whether that means going to a favorite restaurant or taking a long walk at a local park. Spending time with loved ones or doing something surprising yet special for them helps them understand how much they mean to you. If you usually don’t express these feelings, the holiday season gives you the perfect opportunity to do so.

Help Those in Need

Expressing thanks for what you have also makes you think of those who are still struggling. You can show gratitude while also doing good deeds by helping those in need. Volunteer at a local soup kitchen, or donate clothing and other items to homeless shelters or other charities in your area. You can also make a monetary donation to help out. Whether you donate your time, money or material items, you’re making an important difference in the lives of those who need help the most during this holiday season.

Do Random Acts of Kindness

You can show your gratitude for life in general by doing random acts of kindness. In addition to doing nice things for your loved ones, these acts let you brighten up someone else’s day. Knowing that you have the ability to bring a smile to the face of a total stranger can help boost your self-confidence as you work toward sober living. This holiday season, think of small yet powerful ways to show kindness to others, such as buying a cup of coffee for the person in line behind you at a local coffee shop or leaving your waitress a tip that’s a bit more than usual.

Every time you show your gratitude, you take a step toward a more positive life. That positive energy can help encourage you to stay strong in your recovery process. So don’t just show what you are grateful for during the holidays, show it all year round.

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Politics and Religion: What’s Safe to Talk About?

Whether you’re gathering with relatives around for a holiday feast or enjoying regular dinners with family, it’s important to be careful about what you discuss. There’s an old adage about never discussing politics or religion with others, and there’s a good reason for that. These topics can be highly controversial when your opinions or beliefs differ from those around you. Bringing these subjects up can cause you additional stress, which can make it more difficult for you to work through 12 step recovery. Instead of talking about hot topics like politics or religion, here are several ideas of other topics to bring up.

Personal Topics

While some personal topics might be off limits, such as relationship problems a family member is having, you can bring up a wide range of other discussion topics. Ask family members how their jobs are going, how school is going, whether they’ve traveled anywhere interesting lately or what their plans are for the upcoming year. These are safe subjects that can lead to lengthy conversations about careers, education, travel and other topics. They also give you and everyone else at the table a chance to learn more about loved ones and what’s important to them. If you’re trying to become close to loved ones again while working toward sober living, these topics give you a great way to do so.

Current Events and Entertainment

You can also talk about things that are going in your community, your city or the wider world, but be careful to stay away from anything that strays too close to politics or religion. For example, avoid talking about upcoming elections. Instead, bring up amusing or funny things that you’ve seen online or in the news. You can also ask family members if they’ve seen any interesting movies or TV shows lately. If you’ve seen some, you can share your opinion of them.

Hypothetical Questions

These offer a fun way to learn about loved ones while enjoying a meal. They also give you a way to learn more about yourself as you go through addiction recovery. You can start by asking family members things like what kind of superhero power they would love to have, what kind of animal they would choose to be or where they would go if they could pick one place to travel to. You and your family members can take turns going around the table and asking these questions for an amusing mealtime.

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Keeping a Journal Can Help Your Recovery

Keeping a Journal Can Help You Track Progress on Your Recovery Goals


Going through addiction recovery requires a lot of self-reflection and a greater awareness of your thoughts and feelings. This is why it is so important to find ways to ease stress and anxiety as you work on your goal of sober living. Writing in a journal can provide you with a way to both relieve stress and keep track of your thoughts. When you write in a journal, you have a way to record what you’re thinking and feeling during each step of the recovery process.

Achieving Your Goals

In addition to writing in a journal to get your thoughts and feelings on paper, there are several other benefits that this activity offers. Journal writing gives you a chance to hold yourself accountable for your goals. When you write down what you hope to accomplish during 12 step recovery, you’re much more likely to stick to those goals and see them through. Even if you struggle to reach those goals, writing in a journal lets you explore why you’re having trouble. This can help you identify the challenges you’re facing and come up with ways to successfully overcome them.

Tracking Your Progress

Your journal also offers a way for you to keep track of your progress. You can flip through the pages of your journal to see how far you’ve come and pay attention to how you’re currently doing as you write each day. Don’t be afraid to write down any thoughts or feelings that might seem to go against your recovery. These thoughts and feelings provide you with insight into how you’re coping with this process and make it possible for you to think of ways to motivate yourself to continue on your journey.

Choosing a Journaling Type

You can simply write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal, or you can get a bit more creative. For example, you can keep a spiritual journal that allows you to explore your thoughts and feelings as they relate to your spiritual beliefs. You could also express thoughts and feelings as they relate to gratitude or to your health goals. You can write down thoughts and feelings as they occur, or sit down at the end of each day to write about events that happened and how you felt about them. No matter which form you choose, remember that writing in a journal is a helpful way to work toward sober living.

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November is Gratitude Month – Whats On Your List?

Practicing Gratitude Can Help Your RecoveryWhen you’re working on your goal of sober living, there’s one simple yet powerful thing you can do to help you overcome addiction. Practicing gratitude as a daily habit can go a long way toward helping you get through addiction recovery. With November being Gratitude Month, this is a perfect time to get started on forming this important habit while going through the 12 step recovery process.

What Does Gratitude Include?

Feeling grateful means that you recognize and truly appreciate what you have in life. Whether that’s close friendships with others or just being able to wake up to sunny skies most days, when you start focusing on gratitude, you’ll find plenty of things to be thankful for. Keep in mind that gratitude includes every part of your life, from small moments to entire aspects of it. You can express gratitude for the work you do, the hobbies you enjoy, the area you live in or the people you love. You can also be grateful for the little things in life, such as a cup of tea on a cold winter day or the smell of spring flowers.

How Does Gratitude Help Addiction Recovery?

Taking time to think about what you’re grateful for while going through a 12 step recovery program encourages your mind to focus on positive things rather than dwelling on negative thoughts. It also helps you become more mindful of how wonderful your life is, giving you hope for a full recovery in the near future. When you focus on being thankful each day, you’ll find that you experience less stress and more calm. Expressing gratitude puts you in a positive state of mind on a regular basis, which provides you with ongoing encouragement through the recovery process.

How Can You Show Gratitude?

There are several ways that you can express gratitude as you work toward sober living. Simple ways include waking up each morning and thinking of a few things that you’re grateful for before you start your day. You can write these down in a notebook or just acknowledge them in your head. From time to time, you can also show gratitude for others by doing something nice for them. This could be sending a card out of the blue, taking them out for lunch or offering to help them with something. As you go through your day, you can also make a habit of noticing and being thankful for the little moments in life.

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