Tag Archives: 12-step recovery program

Going Back To in-Person Meetings

The past year was tough on everyone. In-person meetings stopped, and people were asked to limit getting together because of a quickly spread virus. But those times for the most are in the past, and it is time to get … Continue reading

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WeHo’s One-Stop Sobriety Shop Celebrates 15 years

My 12 Step Store during LA Pride (Photo Courtesy R.J. Holguin) You might think a store dedicated to sobriety would be out of place in the heart of West Hollywood’s party scene, but My 12 Step Store been there for … Continue reading

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Holiday Gift Guide 2016

The biggest gift giving season of the year has arrived…the holidays are here! And we want to share the best recovery gift ideas and be a big help, by giving you a big holiday KISS — “Keep It Simple Santa.” Here are some of the … Continue reading

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Rebuilding Trust During Recovery Takes Times

Addiction is a hard road to walk, but recovery can also be difficult. Although it’s not an easy path, the journey to recovery is very worthwhile for you and for the family and friends who care about you. As you … Continue reading

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Meditation Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety During Recovery

Recovering from alcohol or drug addiction often requires a comprehensive treatment plan that may include therapy, support groups and medication. Learning to take one day at a time and put your trust in a higher power is vital to success. … Continue reading

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Experiencing the 5 Stages of Loss During Recovery

Anytime there is a big loss in life, such as a death or a divorce, people grieve. It’s normal and natural. Sometimes recovering addicts experience grief at the loss of their addiction. After all, it has been a constant presence … Continue reading

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How Yoga Can Help You Through the Recovery Process

For those in recovery, yoga can help create a fresh new outlook on life. There are many ways to feel better during recovery, and one of the ways to do that is to make new connections between things that make … Continue reading

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Plan for a Fun and Sober Summer

Sober living is all about making the most out of life and finding fun and happiness without alcohol or drugs. Luckily, summer makes it easy to appreciate life and the world around us. The sun is out, the flowers are … Continue reading

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How to Help an Addicted Family Member

When a loved one is struggling with addiction, the impact ranges far beyond that individual’s pain. Addiction causes distress for each and every person who cares about the affected individual, and can lead to significant damage within families and relationships. … Continue reading

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Learn to Give it to God and Let Go

The underlying principle of any recovery program is the recognition that sometimes we need help to get to where we want to be in life. That help from other people, the support and the community they provide, can be the … Continue reading

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