Three Ways to Get Involved in Your Community

Getting and staying sober is a huge accomplishment, but it is one that doesn’t come without its challenges. If you are on the path to recovery, it is important to find things that can help you to fill the void left behind by your addiction and to do things that make you feel good about yourself. Getting involved in the community can help you to fill your time, feel great about yourself and give back. Here are three fun ways to get involved in your community. 

Become a Community Volunteer

One of the best ways to get involved in your community is to become a community volunteer. There are many ways that you can volunteer in your community. You may be able to help serve meals to the homeless, participate in after-school programs with children or work in a community garden. Volunteer at your local 12-step meeting, clean up, help with coffee are just a few commitments. Give a few hours of your time with a phone helpline at a recovery office or other helpline office. When you volunteer, you are helping your community, meeting new people and giving your time to a cause you believe in. This can be a great way to form healthy relationships, discover new talents and to show yourself what a valuable piece of the community you can be.

Support Local Sports Teams

Another way to get involved in your community is to support local sports teams. If you love a certain sport, you can always offer to help coach or manage a sports team. You can even start a sober softball team, join one or other sport team.  If you cannot commit the time to do that, find other ways to support your local sports teams. It can be as simple as volunteering to maintain the field or even attending games to cheer on the kids or adults who participate.

Participate in a Community Class

The last way to become active in your community is to participate in a community class. Many communities have community centers or recreation centers. These centers often offer a variety of adult courses including computer classes, cooking classes, music lessons and fitness courses. Find a class that interests you and then enroll. Once again, you can meet new people and discover new talents that you may wish to grow in the future.

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