Popular Songs About Addiction

Musical artists create songs based on their experiences, right? Being in the spotlight 24/7 can be a challenge, so it’s no wonder that many artists write songs about addiction. There are hundreds of songs about drugs or drinking. Many of the artist wrote songs about their addictions and eventually some got sober decades later of found recovery of some type. Many did not and have died from their addictions.  Here are just a few songs that you may or may not have realized are about addiction. http://www.my12stepstore.com/Alcoholics-Anonymous-One-Day-At-A-Time-Postcard.html
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Fun Ways to Truly Make Mom Feel Special This Mother’s Day

First let’s share a few special traits children say about Mom’s; A mom will always be there for her children, even when they are grown, thinks about her children long after they have “flown the nest”, supports her children’s dreams, even when they seem impossible, loves her children in a way they will never understand until they have their own and will defend her children against the world. Continue reading

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3 Best Virgin Margarita Recipes for Cinco de Mayo or Anytime

We have been dealing with alcohol addiction in its worst aspect. But we aren’t a glum lot. If newcomers could see no joy or fun in our existence, they wouldn’t want it. We absolutely insist on enjoying life. If this trigger’s your recovery then, by all means, don’t read and take part in mocktails. Continue reading

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Vegetarian or Vegan – Which is Better for Recovery?

We congratulate you on your important decision to commit to your recovery program. Keep up the good work as you explore how to stay physically, emotionally and spiritually sound. For some people, either a vegetarian or vegan diet makes sense when looking for new ways to stay healthy. Now keep in mind there are many variations of vegetarian eating and vegan lifestyles, and many who are firm in their experiences and beliefs will tell you. Continue reading

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Tips for Dating in Recovery

Dating, in general, can be challenging. But if you are in recovery, it adds a new twist to things. The relationships you maintain with others need to be healthy to help you on your path of sober living. Before you even begin to date, you need to have your priorities in order and be in a good place physically, mentally and emotionally. Once you are ready to date, here are a few tips that can help you.  Continue reading

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TV Shows About Addiction

Recovering from addiction isn’t always about avoiding triggers. Sometimes exploring your addiction, the reasons behind it, and the struggles of others can help. Television shows provide a safe way to explore your emotions while you keep sober. Continue reading

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Amazing Recipes to Support Your Recovery

In many ways, recovery is about taking care of yourself. Not only in terms of avoiding your addiction but also in terms of eating healthy, drinking water, sleeping well, and exercising. The more you take care of yourself, the easier you will find it to care about yourself. Addiction is both a psychological and physical thing. With that in mind, there are some amazing recipes that can give you a boost. Continue reading

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Fun Easter Facts

In 12-step recovery we claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection. Recovery is a three-stage process. Physical well-being returns. Then the mental portion begins to clear up. And finally, the spiritual aspect of our lives returns. This takes time and is different from religion and does not need to lead to organized religion or that you join one although many do. Easter is a time of renewal and rebirth and in recovery it’s an excellent time to experience the same. Continue reading

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What Every Mom of an Addicted Child Needs to Know

Teenage girl and her mother crying

Loving an addict is hard. But it can be even more difficult when the addict is your child. Many mothers are torn between helping and loving their child without enabling them. They also feel like they have failed as a parent or that they are the reason why their child is an addict. If your child is an addict, here are three things that you need to know.  Continue reading

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Celebrate the Irish with NO Alcohol

One of the most difficult things that come with being in recovery is certain holidays that typically include partying and drinking alcohol, including St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick’s Day originated as a time to pay homage to St. Patrick and the spread of Christianity in Ireland and although the day is still a time for celebrating the momentous occasion, it has also become a much-anticipated day to bar hop and drink massive amounts of green beer. The good news is, there are a variety of other ways you can celebrate the holiday and maintain your sobriety. Here are a couple of tips on how you can stay sober and still have fun on St. Patrick’s Day. Continue reading

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