Addiction Recovery is the Best New Year Resolution

Addiction Recovery is the Best New Year Resolution

Knowing that you have an addiction and getting help for it is the best New Year’s resolution you can give yourself. Becoming Clean and sober, obstinate or in recovery from any addiction gives you a chance to adopt a healthier lifestyle and live up to your full potential. Whether you’re the one struggling with addiction or you have a loved one who is going through this, keep the following information in mind this holiday season as we start a new year. Sobriety makes the greatest New Year’s resolution.  Continue reading

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Clean and Sober Christmas

Our “Sober for the Holidays” Classic Re-Posted

clean & sober Christmas (2)

I’m dreaming of a clean and sober Christmas just like the ones I used to know

Where I don’t DUI and the stars shine so big and bright for you and I

Where the treetops glisten and my family can’t wait to love and listen

I’m dreaming of a program where the 12 steppers listen to a wise sober older that go on a glisten

Where my eyes are a twinkle and I don’t go tweaking to a crinkle and a wrinkle

Where we all can share what is so dear in the Hanukkah flair and holiday cheer

Where every holiday card I write is for 24’ more to shine so bright just like the ones I used to know

I’m dreaming of being sober and not falling over… where the treetops glisten and I don’t go slippin and sniffin

Where children shout with joy to get a new toy and sober bell rides make for warm family nights

I’m dreaming of a clean and sober Christmas with every holiday card I write

may your days be sober… nights be merry… bringing you all a miracle fairy

We thank you for being you and many blessings to You… Just for Today and everyday from your friends at – My 12 Step Store

Our store sells everything from medallions and jewelry to books and plaques. Visit our website to view our current inventory today. www.my12stepstore

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Great Gift Guide for Giving by Christmas

During a time when so many have experienced some combination of excitement, joy, gratitude, rage, fear and frustration in finding holiday gifts for other, it seems appropriate to pause and ask; Where did the practice and tradition of giving Christmas and holiday presents come from?


There doesn’t seem to be any real or easy answer. We believe or maybe we like to think. Giving a gift at Christmas time is an expression of gratitude of your own life and the life your giving a gift to. Maybe your grateful for the time you share together, respect for how your connected in life or how you have made a difference in each other’s life. Maybe it’s all the above or simply because you can and because you want to. Sometimes it’s also because someone gives you a gift and want to give them something back.

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Well, whatever you decide about the tradition we have some great last-minute gifts that can help express your love and gratitude. We even have one that can instantly be emailed to someone. Whether it’s a friend, family member or someone very special to you, we have the best collection of Recovery gifts for all your loved ones.

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A popular  gift today is a Recovery gift card. What was once thought of as a last-resort gift because you didn’t have time to shop has now become the popular “Great Gift”. It allows you to be thoughtful in remembering something special about a person and allowing them to make the specifics in selecting their own product, style and color choice for such gifts as medallions, T-shirts, Hoodies, books and many other gift options. We offer recovery Gifts cards for any amount from $10.00 – $400.00 and it can be emailed instantly to the recipient email you provide complete with gift message.

Happy Holidays

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Tips on Drinks, Food, Hanukkah & the Holiday’s

The holiday season can be enhanced when in recovery from addiction whether its drugs, alcohol, food or some other addiction. You can celebrate the holidays with your friends and family without being under the influence of anything that can alter your mood or cause others to not want to be around you.But, staying sober and keeping to a food plan during the holiday season is not always an easy fete. Continue reading

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Clean and Sober Christmas

clean & sober Christmas (2)

I’m dreaming of a clean and sober Christmas just like the ones I used to know

Where I don’t DUI and the stars shine so big and bright for you and I

Where the treetops glisten and my family can’t wait to love and listen

I’m dreaming of a program where the 12 steppers listen to a wise sober older that go on a glisten

Where my eyes are a twinkle and I don’t go tweaking to a crinkle and a wrinkle

Where we all can share what is so dear in the Hanukkah flair and holiday cheer

Where every holiday card I write is for 24’ more to shine so bright just like the ones I used to know

I’m dreaming of being sober and not falling over… where the treetops glisten and I don’t go slippin and sniffin

Where children shout with joy to get a new toy and sober bell rides make for warm family nights

I’m dreaming of a clean and sober Christmas with every holiday card I write

may your days be sober… nights be merry… bringing you all a miracle fairy

We thank you for being you and many blessings to You… Just for Today and everyday from your friends at – My 12 Step Store

Our store sells everything from medallions and jewelry to books and plaques. Visit our website to view our current inventory today. www.my12stepstore

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Clean & Sober: The Best Gift this Holiday Season!

Getting sober is a major life altering change and staying sober or free from an addiction is a life journey. But it is one that has many benefits for both you and your loved ones. It is easy to get swept up into the buying element of the holidays. But during this time, you want to stay focused on your sobriety, rather than worrying about spending money you may not have or dealing with the stress of shopping at crowded malls or waiting in long lines. Instead of worrying about tangible gifts, give yourself and your loved one the best gift of all this holiday season; the gift of sobriety. Continue reading

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Shop My 12 Step Store for the Best Cyber Monday & Holiday Specials

It’s that time of year when you need to start thinking of thoughtful gift ideas for your loved ones for the holidays. If you have a loved one who is in recovery after struggling with addiction, My 12 Step Store has a great selection of holiday gifts to choose from. You can shop from the comfort of your home and take advantage of Cyber Monday sales and other holiday specials instead of having to deal with the crowds in local stores. These are some of the gift items that are available in our online store. Continue reading

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Tips for Sharing the Holidays with Family When You Are in Recovery

Fall is here and before you know it, the holidays will be too. The holidays are an exciting time of joyful celebrations with family and friends.  In today’s busy world balancing time for holiday celebrations can often bring along a lot of stress with them, especially if it is expected that you will spend time with your family during the holiday season. Continue reading

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How to Overcome Job Loss When You Are Trying to Stay Sober

How to Overcome Job Loss When You Are Trying to Stay Sober

Staying sober is sometimes a tough task. There are a lot of challenges you must face. Adding more stress into the mix can often result in a relapse. If you have lost your job while you are trying to stay sober, it may be a huge blow. But this does not mean that your recovery must be impacted. Here are a few tips to help you minimize the stress associated with the loss of a job and help you maintain your sobriety.  Continue reading

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5 Things You May Not Know About Alateen

5 Things You May Not Know About Alateen

If you are a teen who has been affected by a family member’s alcoholism, there is a support group just for you. Alateen is a part of Al-Anon, and is specifically designed to meet the needs of teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17. At Al-Anon, we believe that alcoholism is a disease that affects everyone in the family. Alateen provides a safe space to share the experiences you are having, or have had, with the problem drinker in your life, whether they are a parent or close family member. Alateen is a community where you will find help and support. Alateen groups have a long record of success, regardless of whether the problem drinker is seeking help for herself or himself or is actively working on sober living. Are you curious about how Alateen can help you cope with family issues related to drinking or other substance abuse? Here are five things you may not know about the program. Continue reading

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