Author Archives: MainAdmin

Planning the Perfect Sober Valentine’s Day Date

When many people think of celebrating Valentine’s Day, they often think of a romantic night out with their love that may include flowers, romance, candy and wine or champagne. But if you are in recovery, you will want to avoid … Continue reading

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3 Tips to Stay Heart Healthy

More people die of heart disease in the United States than any other medical condition, including cancer.  Last year alone 610,000 people died of heart disease – that’s one in every four deaths. An epidemic of seismic proportion, you may … Continue reading

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How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

It is customary to make resolutions for the new year. Unfortunately, though, not everyone who makes a resolution will stick to it. As the new year progresses, we can sometimes lose sight of our goals and not stick to our … Continue reading

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Tips to Help Make Your Recovery Exciting

The process of recovery is a long and challenging journey. As such, it is recommended that you take things one day at a time. As you do so, you may find that sober living starts to get boring or monotonous. … Continue reading

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Tips on How to Plan Your Daily Calendar

Everyone knows about the benefits of a daily routine, but it can be hard to really implement on a practical level. Creating a daily routine takes work, but once you’ve started, you’ll be able to reduce your stress and increase … Continue reading

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How to Avoid the New Year Blues

A new year should mean new opportunities, but for those struggling to remain clean and sober, it can feel like a reminder of past mistakes. Rather than dwelling upon the passing of another year, there are some things you can … Continue reading

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Recovery Resolutions for the New Year

A new year is coming — and you know what that means. It’s time to make some New Year resolutions! Consider making some resolutions that will encourage your recovery journey, in addition to the resolutions that are just for fun.

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Instant Family with Recovery Fellowship

Even if your family is well-intentioned, they often can’t understand the struggles you’ve gone through. Recovery sometimes alienates you from your family and your friends, and sometimes you may even find your family and friends to be a trigger. Nevertheless, … Continue reading

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Journey To Freedom

Season’s Greetings to all our readers, With the holidays now on us, many of us are making last-minute arrangements to celebrate the joy of the holidays with friends and family. It’s a celebration of blessings and time to share our … Continue reading

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Ways to Show You Support Someone in Recovery

In order to recover, people need support. But how can you show someone that you support them without being overbearing? It can be difficult to find the right balance, especially as people are transitioning to a new and sober life. … Continue reading

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