Grieving While in Recovery

Losing a loved one is a painful experience that can be difficult to handle, especially if you’re in the early stages of the recovery process. Knowing how to cope with grief in healthy ways at this time can help you stay sober. Recently someone was asked how their day is going, given the most common responses are; not bad how is yours or it okay or great. I was taken back when the reply was not to good, I buried my mom last week. Whether its expected or not, death is something that triggers many different emotions and feelings. Loss is traumatic. Unfortunately, at some point in every person’s life, some type of loss will be experienced.  Continue reading

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September is National Recovery Month!

With September being National Recovery Month, this is an ideal time to think about how much you have accomplished and learn more about the recovery process. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in substance abuse and a significant impact on mental health. Now in its 31st year, participating in the observance of National Recovery Month and staying connected to others is more important than ever. There are several ways to celebrate your sobriety and let others know where to go for help with addiction recovery or support. While most celebrations this year will be taking place on zoom and other online platforms it is a great way to meet and see other people from outside your area. Continue reading

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Why a Journal is Helpful During Recovery


A journal is used as a coping method for expressing your stressors in a healthy manner, and for those in recovery, journaling may help to keep your temptations at bay and maintain your mental health. Journaling is one of the least expensive and most beneficial forms of therapy. It is a way to track your progress, increase your motivation, relieve stress, and keep track of your thought patterns. Many 12 step rehabs and treatment programs require journaling for all its benefits. The benefits of journaling are undeniable, but people still have excuses for not doing it. Here are just a few reasons why a journal is helpful during your recovery.
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Sober No Matter What – From The Share by Paulo Murillo

We checked in with these clean and sober individuals with different lengths of recovery time to see how they continue to maintain their sobriety as the pandemic continues to shut down in-person recovery meetings and fellowship.


Some people might think that it’s made things more difficult. Not for me, surprisingly. I often think about how I would be reacting to this if I were still an active alcoholic. I’d most definitely be drinking all day, every day, dismissing any semblance of daily structure. The days would blend into a grey, joyless, hopeless void with no end in sight. Thank God I have a program of recovery. Luckily, I have been blessed to still have my steady job. Zoom AA meetings have been a godsend. I even gained two sponsees since this pandemic began. I’m also blessed to have an amazing boyfriend, who is also sober, by my side for most of it. We have watched a lot of TV and we’ve been taking walks and doing home workouts. As crappy as COVID-land can be, it’s forced me to get creative with maintaining my sanity and to test my ability to be the best Kyle I can be. And I have a feeling that, once all this is over, I’ll emerge from this a better person because I won’t be so quick to take the relationships, I’ve gained in recovery for granted. And that, in a weird way, is a miracle.

—Kyle Holtgren, sober since August 3, 2015.

Fearless Relationships | Personal Growth Book | My 12 Step Store

Fearless Relationships is a personal growth book by Karen Casey that offers wisdom about family, friendships and more. Order yours from My 12 Step Store.





Smaller Things

“It’s been a challenge. I miss being around people. I’m not a homebody so it’s been difficult navigating around that. I tried to go to a restaurant today and it was too crowded for me. It really has been the small things that are getting me through this. The new normal for me is gratitude. More than ever gratitude for the smaller things in life have become important to me. I find myself saying ‘thank you’ out loud more than ever. It could be for anything, kindness from a stranger or a butterfly traveling by when I need it the most.”

—Joe McDonald, sober since December 12, 1997.

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What gets in the way of serenity? For most people, the answer is life-those everyday distractions, obligations, and frustrations that cause chaos and clutter.




“I’m a sober showgirl. Before, I needed to drink to feel beautiful and secure. Now I enjoy being present. I love looking in the mirror and loving the person I see. I see the girl I always wanted to see without any drugs. I love feeling my feelings and being present for all of it. I enjoy seeing my family being happy that they have their girl back. Before, I wasn’t present for them. I was a mess. Now I’m no longer fighting with them. Sobriety has changed my life in so many ways. I love walking down the street, knowing that I’m a transgender woman and accepting myself for who I am without any alcohol. I love my life sober and I love who I am now.”   —Azul Love Looez, sober since February 28, 2017 

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Back To School Recovery Style 2020

Being sober and in recovery often allows you to be more optimistic about the future. If you are clean and sober and have decided to go back to school, whether it is to improve your earning potential or to start a new career path-congratulations! You are taking one more step to living a happy, healthy life and one that will help you to feel inspired to keep improving yourself. Going back to school while you are in recovery is an exciting opportunity, but it’s important to keep in mind that some days, it may also seem overwhelming. Here are a few tips to help you remain focused and on the path to success. Keep in mind many colleges have altered their reopening plans in the past several weeks after taking stock of COVID-19 testing availability, student and faculty safety concerns, state regulations and the worsening public health crisis.  The information seems to keep being altered as the school year nears so stay informed the school you are planning to attend.  Continue reading

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Food Addiction: Feeding my Feelings

Food addiction refers to compulsive overeaters who engage in frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating (binge eating). The term binge eating means eating an unhealthy amount of food while feeling that one’s sense of control has been lost. Dealing with stress and anxiety can affect you in numerous ways, including your eating habits. If you find yourself reaching for food when you’re feeling anxious or stressed, you might have an emotional eating problem or food addiction.  Knowing how your feelings can lead to this type of eating problem and what to do about it can help you work on overcoming it and building healthier dietary habits.  Continue reading

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Can Pets Help You in Your Recovery?

Pet’s come in all types, whether you prefer a dog, a cat, a rabbit or a bird, your animal is a significant part of your life, and they can be extremely helpful while you are in recovery. The first year of recovery is generally the hardest, so you will need as much support as possible, regardless of whether it is through human support or pet support? The bond you have with your pet is special, they rely on you for their companionship, and you feed them, play with them etc. And just as they rely on you to have a safe and healthy life, you, in turn, can rely on them to be sources of support while you are in addiction recovery. Here are just a few of the benefits of having pets while in recovery.  Continue reading

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3 Ways to Train Your Brain to Be More Positive

It may seem like some people are just born positive as they always have a ready smile and a kind word to share. You might be surprised to learn that positive people stay positive by training themselves to be that way. You can too. Have heard of living in the half full part of the glass. Follow these tips for training your mind to stay on the positive and let the negative go.  Continue reading

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No Vacation? No Problem: Planning a Sober Staycation

If you want to take a vacation this summer, but do not want to break the bank, there is a way to get the rest and relaxation you deserve without traveling far from home. And honestly, there could not be a better time than now to do this. A staycation is a great way to take a break from reality and focus on having sober fun and resting. It is the same concept as a vacation, except you stay at home. One of the main rules is set guidelines and pretend like you’re out of town; in other words, no working from home, no housework and no tasks that would interfere with relaxation. Here are some tips to have a fun and relaxing sober staycation.  Continue reading

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She’s in Recovery

Addiction to drugs and/or alcohol is an equal opportunity disease; it does not distinguish between men and women; however, women are generally affected differently than men. Women tend to progress quicker in addiction, face a range of different barriers when attempting to get help and they recover differently than men. It is important to recognize how critical these differences can be when it comes to identifying the addiction, determining the most effective treatment options, and recognizing the challenges women may encounter while on their journey to recovery.
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