How Prayer & Meditation Can Aid Your Recovery

Breaking free from addiction -any addiction – requires more than simply laying off of your substance of choice. True recovery is a life-changing process that alters the way you think, act and live. It requires a willingness to surrender and becoming more focused … more attentive … and more motivated.  Once you are free from addiction, you begin to experience life in a whole new wonderful way.  But sometimes, all this change and new life can seem a bit overwhelming. It is during these times when you need to find ways to quiet your inner soul and let go of the negative feelings festering inside. Two good ways to accomplish this is to begin practicing meditation and prayer. Continue reading

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Beat the Social Stigma around Being a Sober Mom

If you’ve spent any time on social media in recent years, you’ve likely seen countless memes with slogans like, “Mommy needs a drink,” or “Is it wine-o-clock yet?”. Gift shops are filled with merchandise, cleverly marketed towards mothers, touting alcohol as the only solution to the stress of parenting. While it is true that being a mother is a challenging job, no matter how rewarding, alcohol isn’t the only way to relax and unwind at the end of the day. However, if you choose to be a sober mom, whether due to an alcohol addiction or simply to be healthier and more engaged with your family, you may have to deal with a bit of social backlash.  Continue reading

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mom & dad

So, Mother’s Day is near, and I already sent a card in the mail. It arrives a week before the day when sons, daughters, friends and family celebrate their mothers in the U.S. This way, mom can put the card out and enjoy it awhile as she may do with other cards that she is bound to get leading to this special day. I’ll bring another card along with flowers when I make the traditional 3-hour road trip to spend a few days with her and the rest of my family. Dad will be right there. My parents have one of those still-in-love marriages of nearly 60-years and their love is still going stronger than ever—and I mean the kind of love where dad still opens the car door and they hold each other’s hands when they walk as they did in high school. Continue reading

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Healthy Eating is a Key to Recovery Success

Your recovery journey is in full swing. You have kicked your addiction, but there is more to be done to keep your mind, body and spirit on the right path. Changing your eating habits may seem insignificant considering the work it has taken to free yourself of drugs and alcohol.  But, remember, keeping your body strong takes a multi-faceted approach – and staying sober requires giving every cell in your body the right mix of nutrition. Continue reading

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Could Poor Communication Skills Be Thwarting Your Recovery?

Do you struggle to be heard — or taken seriously?  If everything you say is being taken wrong, or you find yourself flying off the handle every time someone offers their advice or guidance, you may find your recovery stalled. Continue reading

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How to Find the Right Therapist

Psychological counsel

Finding the right therapist can seem overwhelming but having a great therapist can really make a difference, especially when you are in recovery. A great therapist gives you a place to vent and talk comfortably, while also exploring possible reasons why you may have turned to drugs or alcohol to cope with life. Here are a few tips that can help you find the right therapist for you. Continue reading

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Ways to Celebrate Easter if You Are Not Religious

Easter eggs cute bunny Funny decoration Happy Easter

Easter is with no doubt the single most holy day of the Christian church, as it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the central event in Christianity. Although many people celebrate Easter for that very special role in the Christian religion, that doesn’t mean that you must follow that faith in order to enjoy and celebrate the holiday. There are many non-religious and non-Christian people who celebrate Easter in a secular way. To make the most of this holiday, you can renew your current goals and commitments in positive ways and or embrace your inner child and get into the fun of the Easter bunny.  Continue reading

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Three Ways to Show Gratitude

When you are in the recovery process, your friends and family can be your rock. They can be there to love you, laugh with you and cry with you. Sober living is not easy but having people who truly love and care for you can make it easier. As you go through the process, you may want to show the people who have stuck by your side gratitude and how thankful you are for them. This can be fulfilling for both you and them. Here are a few of the ways you can show gratitude.  Continue reading

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April Is National Alcohol Awareness Month

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and this year’s theme, Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow, is a national effort to draw attention to the many opportunities people, families, and communities have and can use to educate young people on the dangers of alcohol use. No other substance is more widely used by American youth than alcohol, making alcoholism and alcohol-related problems the number one public health problem in the United States. Continue reading

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Tips for a Searching and Fearless 4th Step Inventory

During the 4th step of your 12 step program, you’ll be asked to create a “searching and fearless” moral inventory. This is a challenging step for some, but the harder a step is, the more rewarding it is as well. there several ways to do a 4th step and many booklets and guides to support you. It is most important to work with your sponsor or someone who has done a 4th step before. Following their guidance and support will give you great insight and offer you support when uncomfortable feeling come up. Continue reading

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