Celebrating Black History All Year

Black history month was originally meant to be a way to introduce the accomplishments of African Americans to the culture of the United States. While many could argue that it has accomplished that goal, many people say that it’s now time to incorporate education about African Americans into our lives and education year-round.  Continue reading

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Celebrate New Year’s With a Resolution to Commit to Recovery

Not only does January 1 present the opportunity to celebrate the arrival of a new year, but it is also a chance to celebrate your success in recovery! Additionally, those who struggle with addiction or find themselves caught up in temptation for a potential relapse can embrace the day with a new or renewed commitment to getting sober and staying that way in 2024. Here are some tips for success in the new year!  Continue reading

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Book Signing and Reading: HIGH


Tuesday, December 12, 6:00p – 8:00p

Book Signing and Reading


by Leonard Lee Buschel

Co-founder of Writers in Treatment & executive director of REEL Recovery Film Festival Continue reading

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Best Recovery Gifts Featuring My 12 Step Store

When you’re in recovery, your life changes, even the content you desire become more supportive of your initiative to stay positive. If you know another person who also wants to recover and remain upbeat during the holidays, here are some gift ideas to consider. Continue reading

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Celebrate Your Recovery During Gratitude Month

November is National Gratitude Month! The upcoming Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. encourages gratitude, and gratitude offers many benefits–especially if you seek to remain sober during drug or alcohol recovery. Here are the rewards of gratitude and how to cultivate it.  Continue reading

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Interview with an Author

mwh invite

Often in recovery, we set new goals and start making the time to achieve them. Writing a book seems to make the list quite often but not always, does it actually happen. Continue reading

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Great Tips for a Sober 4th of July

Few things herald the arrival of summer quite like the 4th of July. This year, make sure your celebration aligns with your health and wellness goals. There are plenty of ways to celebrate Independence Day free from alcohol, and having a plan is the best way to ensure a happy and healthy 4th. These tips from the team at My 12 Step Store are a great place to start.  Continue reading

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Skipping the Green Beer for Mocktails and Prayer on St. Patrick’s Day

With St. Patrick’s Day on the way, and the world as it is today this is a good reminder about the importance of staying sober during challenges in recovery. Continue reading

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From the SHARE by Paulo Murrillo


“In the beginning I was freaking out about how we were going to get to meetings because they closed meetings of recovery. At first was I reluctant to do the ZOOM meetings, but one of my friends said, ‘girl, just try it.” I remember there was a meeting called Adapt or Die and a lot of people shared about adapting with the times. That changed my perspective. I stayed positive and I kept busy and tried to stay connected as much as I could. In 2022, I had to be careful with my time. It’s very easy for us alcoholics to deviate and wallow in self-pity. I also love to chase men and get into that sort of trouble, so I was careful. My year had its ups and downs. I got to travel to Mexico this year. I showed up for my birth mother and I took care of her. Then my other mother who raised me passed away when I was in Puerto Vallarta. I got to show up for her daughter who is my niece. I practice Buddhism and other forms of spirituality, so I believe it was her time. I made peace with her passing. God put me there so I can be of service and help with the church and make other arrangements. I stayed sober in 2022 because I love my sobriety and I stayed optimistic, and I continued to go to meetings and surround myself with people I love and people who love me and accept me for the sober woman I am today.”  —Claudia Estrada, sober since May 5, 2008.


“2022 was a challenging year for me. I moved in with a guy who said he was going to get back into recovery and he ended up continuously using for six months. I moved out and moved in with another sober roommate, and he relapsed two weeks later. I moved out and moved in with another sober roommate and she has been sober for eight years and that has been really helpful. I stayed sober this year by keeping my people close to me and checking in every day. It hasn’t been an easy year. People, places and things have been a challenge, a real challenge for me. I feel like people a lot of people are using all around me. Just driving down the street, I see people using. I know it’s easily accessible to me. Being around so many relapses makes think this isn’t possible and the hardest part was being around so much death due to relapses. I get past it by sticking around with the winners who have sober time and are doing what they need to do to stay sober.

A highlight this year was turning two years sober. My parents came down. My mother gave me a cake and it was extremely emotional. I got to hold my dad’s hand and I got to share and thank him for always being by my side and always accepting me for who I am and giving me his full support. He knows 100 percent of my truth and doesn’t change the love that he has for me, so I’m really lucky I had that moment to thank my dad. Even though it has been an extremely challenging year, there are people who have showed up for me in 2022 and they did it for fun and for free and for free. That to me is priceless.”  —Curtis Blue, sober since July 8, 2020.

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Family for the Holidays: Support or Trigger?

The holidays come with an unfortunate truth. Each year, 70% of Americans feel stress during the holidays. Of that group, 17% report family dynamics as a trigger, making it the third top stressor during the season.  Continue reading

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