8 Ways to Deal with Stress

There are a lot of things in life that can cause you a fair amount of stress. You may have found your car needs expensive repairs, or your boss just gave you a time-sensitive project he needs right away. Whatever the reason for the stress, it will take its toll on your body and have lasting effects that can cause trouble in the future. You do not have to live with stress any longer because there are some things you can do to help lower your stress level.  Continue reading

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No Insurance? How Do You Get the Help You Need?

Wooden little men hanging on rope with pin. Symbol of friendship, help, support and teamwork

Addictions are a serious issue that many people struggle with on a daily basis. If you are a person that struggles with addiction and are wondering where to get help, there are places you can call to start the process. The great thing about getting help is that there are places where you can get help without having to provide your insurance. One of the best ways to find out where to find help with no insurance in your area is to call information for any 12-step hotline or go to any 12-step meeting and ask. Someone will help you with a lead or information on who to call or where to go.

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Is Addiction Hereditary?

Drug abuse is a national problem that affects millions of people. New research indicates that addiction may have hereditary links to family members. That means that if a parent or grandparent struggles with an addiction, it is possible that it could affect you.  Continue reading

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Miracles of Recovery!

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How to Experience Everyday Miracles

Miracles have a reputation for being big, grand things; a cure for a terminal illness, winning the lottery, taking a step when you’ve been told you will never walk again. Miracles occur all the time; we have to learn how to recognize them. All it takes is a shift in perspective and realizing that a miracle can be something unexpected and small. Living a sober life in recovery takes a lot of effort and commitment and can be incredibly challenging, so it’s even more important for people in recovery to see and experience miracles regularly to help reinforce maintaining a sober lifestyle.  Continue reading

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Being of Service

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Celebrate National Recovery Month

September is National Recovery Month! A national observance held every September to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the nation’s strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and communities who make recovery in all its forms possible.
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Tips on Dealing with Triggers

Dealing with triggers can be a daily challenge. There are healthy ways you can deal with triggers and the thoughts and feelings that accompany them. Triggers associated with addiction can be internal or external. It’s important to know the difference between the two.   Continue reading

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What To Expect During Withdrawal

Addiction affects everyone involved, not just the individual experiencing the symptoms. Enduring withdrawal will be a challenge regardless of the type of addiction you’re trying to overcome, but it can be done. Here’s what you can expect during withdrawal. Continue reading

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Weekends Offer New Pleasures and Opportunities During Recovery

Recovery is a journey that is ongoing, but along the way, you can enjoy a variety of satisfying moments that help you persevere. Consider the benefits of having a hangover-free weekend and all the opportunities it opens up for your life. Here are just a few of those joyful benefits.  Continue reading

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