Author Archives: MainAdmin

7 Best Coffee Chains in the U.S.

When in recovery, many former alcohol addicts like to concentrate on coffee. Coffee provides a lot of what alcohol does: a social ritual that you can engage in with friends. While physical addiction is hard, the psychological and habitual addiction … Continue reading

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You look in the mirror and what do you see?  If your eyes go directly to a protruding belly or thighs that look a bit larger than you think they should, then you might be beginning to wonder “Am I … Continue reading

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Recovery and Business Community Mix and Mingle at My 12 Step Store 15-year Anniversary

By Paulo Murillo WEHO TIMES My 12 Step Store had much to celebrate this past Wednesday, September 22, during National Recovery Month. The recovery book and gift store located at 8730 Santa Monica Boulevard, in the heart of West Hollywood, … Continue reading

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Steer Clear of These Dangerous Street Drugs

There are plenty of challenges to be had with addiction to a “traditional” drug, but what happens when you or a loved one tangle with something deadly? The danger that is lingering on a daily basis due to drugs is … Continue reading

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4 Famous People Who Have Battled Addiction

It’s easy to look at a celebrity and think that their life is perfect — they have no challenges nor have money problems — and that they could never understand what you are going through. The reality is that you … Continue reading

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WeHo’s One-Stop Sobriety Shop Celebrates 15 years

My 12 Step Store during LA Pride (Photo Courtesy R.J. Holguin) You might think a store dedicated to sobriety would be out of place in the heart of West Hollywood’s party scene, but My 12 Step Store been there for … Continue reading

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Are Wealthy Professionals Most Likely to Drink?

There is no “one type” of alcoholic. In fact, the stereotype of an alcoholic is very unlikely to be true. Studies have shown that wealthy and successful professionals may be the most likely to drink. Addiction can run in very … Continue reading

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Seasonal Depression – Is it Real?

The short days, frigid weather and a lot of time spent cooped up indoors can lead people to feel down during winter. A lot of people experience the winter blues, but some may experience an extra, more intense drop in … Continue reading

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Having Sober Fun With the Guys

Everyday Life “Here’s the thing, I enjoy all the things that I thought would be boring in sobriety. I thought nightlife was the most fun thing that I could do. I’d go out and drink until three o’clock in the … Continue reading

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Relax, Rest and Celebrate Labor Day

Labor Day provides you with a chance to celebrate the end of the summer season. If you’re looking for ways to relax and enjoy this holiday, consider doing one or more of the following.

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