Opioids like Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Codeine or Roxicodone to name few are some of the most addictive drugs in the world, and the trouble is that you can get them prescribed to you at the doctor’s office. Though these pills are meant to help with pain, oftentimes, using them to treat pain can become an addiction. Opioid addiction affects more than just the addict and can destroy lives, families, and relationships all the way around.
Painkillers, Heroin, and the Road to Sanity – My 12 Step Store
Recovery from prescription painkiller or heroin addiction can feel impossible, especially considering that those who have gone through typical 28-day treatment programs often experience relapses and, sometimes, fatal overdoses.
When Painkillers Become Dangerous | Drew Pinsky
If you are concerned about a loved one’s use of pain medications, you need to read this book, When Painkillers Become Dangerous! Whether prescribed by a physician as OxyContin or purchased on the street as “hillbilly heroin,” painkilling drugs are extremely effective in eliminating physical, emotional, and psychological distress.
Addict in the House Book by Robin Barnett | My 12 Step Store
“This is a straightforward, rich resource for anyone who lives with, and loves, an addict.” —Publishers Weekly Everyone suffers when there’s an addict in the family.
What To Do if You Are Struggling With Opioid Addiction
The first step to solving any problem is to admit that there is one. This means that you must face the fact that you are struggling with addiction and accept that you need help. Family is often a huge part of this step of recovery, and if they are truly invested in your getting better, they will remain a large part of your recovery from start to finish.
Admitting that there is a problem is the best way to get started on the road to recovery and the road to true and total healing. One of the best means of beating addiction and truly starting recovery is to find a program that works for you. Though there are thousands of programs out there, there are only so many that are going to fit your needs and the structure that you need to succeed.
Quitting Heroin Workbook | Heroin Recovery | My 12 Step Store
Order this Quitting Heroin workbook from My 12 Step Store. It will help you identify things related to your heroin use and recognize healthy alternatives.
Addiction | AA 12 Step Book | My 12 Step Store
If you’re thinking about quitting alcohol or drugs, this comprehensive workbook can help you get on track and reach your goals. The Addiction Workbook starts you on your journey by explaining the facts about addiction.
Successful programs not only include help for the addiction but support from start to finish and support beyond. Taking time to find a center or a program that fits your needs, your goals and what you are going to be able to do can truly help you set realistic goals and get the help that you need.
“Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions” by Russell Brand
A guide to all kinds of addiction from a star who has struggled with heroin, alcohol, sex, fame, food and eBay, that will help addicts and their loved ones make the first steps into recovery “This manual for self-realization comes not from a mountain but from the mud…My qualification is not that I am better than you but I am worse.” &mdashRussell Brand With a rare mix of honesty, humor …
Recovery is not something that can be done in a day. With a 12-step program, you can celebrate your victories, get help pushing past any barriers that may be holding you back, and find true recovery. Addiction to opioids does not have to be the end of your life. It does not have to be the end of your family. With help that works and a program that is tailored to you, you can come out better and can live a happy and healthy life free of drug addiction and free of the pain that addiction causes.
My Fair Junkie
In the tradition of Blackout and Permanent Midnight, a darkly funny and revealing debut memoir of one woman’s twenty-year battle with sex, drugs, and alcohol addiction, and what happens when she finally emerges on the other side.
Christopher Kennedy Lawford | Moments Of Clarity Book
Christopher Kennedy Lawford’s New York Times bestselling memoir, Symptoms of Withdrawal, offered readers a startling, first-hand look at his own addictions to drugs and alcohol, prompting People magazine to write, “Few have written so well about the joy of drugs, and few are as unsparing about their drug-driven selfishness.”
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