Very often, one of the first things that people see about you is your smile, and there’s plenty to smile about when you’re starting over after battling addiction. However, many people are embarrassed when they realize that years of neglect have had a powerful negative effect on the state of their teeth and gums. Recovering your smile is a simple step that can make a huge difference in boosting your outlook on life, but be sure that your dentist is prepared to handle some of the challenging oral health situations that occur because of addiction.
Protecting Your Health
Keeping your teeth and gums healthy can have a powerful effect on not only your overall outlook but on your personal health as well. Having a dentist thoroughly clean and care for your teeth and gums after a period of neglect can help stop the ravages of addiction and even reverse some of the problems with preventative maintenance.
Boosting Your Confidence
While a full smile rework can cost thousands of dollars, even a small change can make a big difference in your confidence levels if you’re suffering from damage to your teeth after addition. An ongoing lack of hygiene and poor dental care can leave you with significant devastation in your mouth, something that is not likely to help you feel good about yourself once you’ve made the decision to stay clean. However, many individuals who are struggling with addiction find that having a better oral health outlook can help them keep going when they otherwise might backslide into addiction.
Removing the Stigma
It’s hard to deny that there are certain stigmas about addiction, and one of the most prevalent is that addicts are not able to care for their teeth and thus have many challenges, such as missing teeth. Being able to go out into society without the negative perception of oral health problems can help remove the stigma associated with addiction in society today. The stigma isn’t always external, though, as many addicts tend to be hard on themselves and seeing their teeth in disarray on a daily basis can be disheartening at best.
If you’re battling your way back from addiction, don’t simply accept that you’re going to have to deal with pain from missing or damaged teeth the rest of your life. Instead, work with a dentist who can provide you the oral health care that you need and deserve. That will help you feel more positive and loved every time you peek in the mirror at your beautiful smile. Want to learn more about the road to recovery? Check out My 12 Step Store online for uplifting stories as well as medallions and chips to help celebrate the significant milestones in your life.